Ορολογία στην Ξένη Γλώσσα Ενότητα: cad/cam & cnc παναγιώτης Τσατσαρός Τμήμα Μηχ. Αυτοματισμού ΤΕ Άδειες Χρήσης

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Ανώτατο Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα Πειραιά

Τεχνολογικού Τομέα

Ορολογία στην Ξένη Γλώσσα

Ενότητα: CAD/CAM & CNC

Παναγιώτης Τσατσαρός

Τμήμα Μηχ. Αυτοματισμού ΤΕ

Άδειες Χρήσης

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λογότυπο επιχειρησιακού προγράμματος εκπαίδευση και δια βίου μάθηση

1.Σκοποί ενότητας 4

2.Περιεχόμενα ενότητας 4

3.Using CAD 5

3.1The Effects of CAD 6

4.Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) 7

4.1Overview 7

4.1.1Roughing 7

4.1.2Semi-finishing 7

4.1.3Finishing 8

4.1.4Contour milling 8

5.Numerical Control 8

6.Practice and Exercise 9

6.1Using CAD: Sentence completion 9

6.2The effects of CAD: open questions 10

6.3 Questions to the Numerical Control: Open questions 10

1.Σκοποί ενότητας

  • Provide authentic text and vocabulary specific to the needs of students of Automation Engineering

  • Encourage students to combine their knowledge of English with their technical knowledge

  • Help students understand processes, process application and related consequences

  • Encourage students to extract information related to serial steps or processes

2.Περιεχόμενα ενότητας

  • Types of CAD

  • 2D drafting, 3D wireframe, 3D parametric solid modeling

  • Effects of using CAD

  • CAM: definition, overview

  • CAM: machining processes

  • Modern CNC systems

3.Using CAD

Computer-Aided Design is one of the many tools used by engineers and designers and is used in many ways depending on the profession of the user and the type of software in question. There are several different types of CAD. Each of these different types of CAD systems require the operator to think differently about how he or she will use them and he or she must design their virtual components in a different manner for each. There are many producers of the lower-end 2D systems, including a number of free and open source programs. These provide an approach to the drawing process without all the fuss over scale and placement on the drawing sheet that accompanied hand drafting, since these can be adjusted as required during the creation of the final draft.

3D wireframe is basically an extension of 2D drafting. Each line has to be manually inserted into the drawing. The final product has no mass properties associated with it and cannot have features directly added to it, such as holes. The operator approaches these in a similar fashion to the 2D systems, although many 3D systems allow using the wireframe model to make the final engineering drawing views.3D "dumb" solids (programs incorporating this technology include AutoCAD and Cadkey 19) are created in a way analogous to manipulations of real world objects. Basic three-dimensional geometric forms (prisms, cylinders, spheres, and so on) have solid volumes added or subtracted from them, as if assembling or cutting real-world objects. Two-dimensional projected views can easily be generated from the models. Basic 3D solids don't usually include tools to easily allow motion of components, set limits to their motion, or identify interference between components.

3D parametric solid modeling require the operator to use what is referred to as "design intent". The objects and features created are adjustable. Any future modifications will be simple, difficult, or nearly impossible, depending on how the original part was created. One must think of this as being a "perfect world" representation of the component. If a feature was intended to be located from the center of the part, the operator needs to locate it from the center of the model, not, perhaps, from a more convenient edge or an arbitrary point, as he could when using "dumb" solids. Parametric solids require the operator to consider the consequences of his actions carefully.

Some software packages provide the ability to edit parametric and non-parametric geometry without the need to understand or undo the design intent history of the geometry by use of direct modeling functionality. This ability may also include the additional ability to infer the correct relationships between selected geometry (e.g., tangency, concentricity) which makes the editing process less time and labor intensive while still freeing the engineer from the burden of understanding the model's design intent history. These kind of non history based systems are called Explicit Modellers. The first Explicit Modeling system was introduced to the world at the end of 80's by Hewlett-Packard under the name SolidDesigner. This CAD solution, which released many later versions, is now sold by PTC as "CoCreate Modeling"

Draft views are able to be generated easily from the models. Assemblies usually incorporate tools to represent the motions of components, set their limits, and identify interference. The tool kits available for these systems are ever increasing; including 3D piping and injection mold designing packages.

Mid range software are integrating parametric solids more easily to the end user: integrating more intuitive functions (SketchUp). using the best of both 3D dumb solids and parametric characteristics (VectorWorks), making very real-view scenes in relative few steps (Cinema4D) or offering all-in-one (form*Z).

Top end systems offer the capabilities to incorporate more organic, aesthetics and ergonomic features into designs (Catia, GenerativeComponents). Freeform surface modelling is often combined with solids to allow the designer to create products that fit the human form and visual requirements as well as they interface with the machine.

3.1The Effects of CAD

Starting in the late 1980s, the development of readily affordable Computer-Aided Design programs that could be run on personal computers began a trend of massive downsizing in drafting departments in many small to mid-size companies. As a general rule, one CAD operator could readily replace at least three to five drafters using traditional methods. Additionally, many engineers began to do their own drafting work, further eliminating the need for traditional drafting departments. This trend mirrored that of the elimination of many office jobs traditionally performed by a secretary as word processors, spreadsheets, databases, etc. became standard software packages that "everyone" was expected to learn.

Another consequence had been that since the latest advances were often quite expensive, small and even mid-size firms often could not compete against large firms who could use their computational edge for competitive purposes. Today, however, hardware and software costs have come down. Even high-end packages work on less expensive platforms and some even support multiple platforms. The costs associated with CAD implementation now are more heavily weighted to the costs of training in the use of these high level tools, the cost of integrating a CAD/CAM/CAE PLM using enterprise across multi-CAD and multi-platform environments and the costs of modifying design work flows to exploit the full advantage of CAD tools.

CAD vendors have effectively lowered these training costs. These methods can be split into three categories:

  1. Improved and simplified user interfaces. This includes the availability of "role" specific tailorable user interfaces through which commands are presented to users in a form appropriate to their function and expertise.

  2. Enhancements to application software. One such example is improved design-in- context, through the ability to model/edit a design component from within the context of a large, even multi-CAD, active digital mockup.

  3. User oriented modeling options. This includes the ability to free the user from the need to understand the design intent history of a complex intelligent model.

4.Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

Is the use of computer-based software tools that assist engineers and machinists in manufacturing or prototyping product components. Its primary purpose is to create a faster production process and components with more precise dimensions and material consistency, which in some cases, uses only the required amount of raw material (thus minimizing waste), while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. CAM is a programming tool that makes it possible to manufacture physical models using computer-aided design (CAD) programs. CAM creates real life versions of components designed within a software package. CAM was first used in 1971 for car body design and tooling.


Traditionally, CAM has been considered as a numerical control (NC) programming tool wherein three-dimensional (3D) models of components generated in CAD software are used to generate CNC code to drive numerically controlled machine tools.

Although this remains the most common CAM function, CAM functions have expanded to integrate CAM more fully with CAD/CAM/CAE PLM solutions.

Most machining progresses through four stages, each of which is implemented by a variety of basic and sophisticated strategies, depending on the material and the software available. The stages are:


This process begins with raw stock, known as billet, and cuts it very roughly to shape of the final model. In milling, the result often gives the appearance of terraces, because the strategy has taken advantage of the ability to cut the model horizontally. Common strategies are zig-zag clearing, offset clearing, plunge roughing, rest-roughing.


This process begins with a roughed part that unevenly approximates the model and cuts to within a fixed offset distance from the model. The semi-finishing pass must leave a small amount of material so the tool can cut accurately while finishing, but not so little that the tool and material deflect instead of shearing. Common strategies are raster passes, waterline passes, constant step-over passes, pencil milling.


Finishing involves a slow pass across the material in very fine steps to produce the finished part. In finishing, the step between one pass and another is minimal. Feed rates are low and spindle speeds are raised to produce an accurate surface.

4.1.4Contour milling

In milling applications on hardware with five or more axes, a separate finishing process called contouring can be performed. Instead of stepping down in finegrained increments to approximate a surface, the workpiece is rotated to make the cutting surfaces of the tool tangent to the ideal part features. This produces an excellent surface finish with high dimensional accuracy.

5.Numerical Control

Numerical control (NC) refers to the automation of machine tools that are operated by abstractly programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, as opposed to manually controlled via handwheels or levers, or mechanically automated via cams alone. The first NC machines were built in the 1940s and '50s, based on existing tools that were modified with motors that moved the controls to follow points fed into the system on paper tape. These early servomechanisms were rapidly augmented with analog and digital computers, creating the modern computer numerical controlled (CNC) machine tools that have revolutionized the design process.

In modern CNC systems, end-to-end component design is highly automated using CAD/CAM programs. The programs produce a computer file that is interpreted to extract the commands needed to operate a particular machine, and then loaded into the CNC machines for production. Since any particular component might require the use of a number of different tools—drills, saws, etc.—modern machines often combine multiple tools into a single "cell". In other cases, a number of different machines are used with an external controller and human or robotic operators that move the component from machine to machine. In either case, the complex series of steps needed to produce any part is highly automated and produces a part that closely matches the original CAD design.

Although modern data storage techniques have moved on from punch tape in almost every other role, tapes are still relatively common in CNC systems. This is because it was often easier to add a punch tape reader to a microprocessor controller than it was to re-write large libraries of tapes into a new format. One change that was implemented fairly widely was the switch from paper to mylar tapes, which are much more mechanically robust. Floppy disks, USB flash drives and local area networking have replaced the tapes to some degree, especially in larger environments that are highly integrated.

The proliferation of CNC led to the need for new CNC standards that were not encumbered by licensing or particular design concepts, like APT. A number of different "standards" proliferated for a time, often based around vector graphics markup languages supported by plotters. One such standard has since become very common, the "G-code" that was originally used on Gerber Scientific plotters and then adapted for CNC use. The file format became so widely used that it has been embodied in an EIA standard. In turn, G-code was supplanted by STEP-NC, a system that was deliberately designed for CNC, rather than grown from an existing plotter standard.

A more recent advancement in CNC interpreters is support of logical commands, known as parametric programming (also known as macro programming). Parametric programs include both device commands as well as a control language similar to BASIC. The programmer can make if/then/else statements, loops, subprogram calls, perform various arithmetic, and manipulate variables to create a large degree of freedom within one program. An entire product line of different sizes can be programmed using logic and simple math to create and scale an entire range of parts, or create a stock part that can be scaled to any size a customer demands.

As digital electronics has spread, CNC has fallen in price to the point where hobbyists can purchase any number of small CNC systems for home use. It is even possible to build your own using open source hardware designs. Such hobbyist-built CNC machines often use proprietary CNC control software, but many use open-source CNC control software such as the Enhanced Machine Controller or MyNC Numerical Control System.

6.Practice and Exercise

  • Fill in the blanks below with information from the text so as to create meaningful sentences.

6.1Using CAD: Sentence completion

  1. The profession of the user and the type of software required determine how....

  2. The operator will design his/her virtual component depending....

  3. No fuss over scale and placement on the drawing sheet is necessary as free and open source programs...

  4. Each line has to be manually inserted into the drawing in...

  5. The difference between 3D and 2D systems is that ...

  6. 3D geometric forms are similar to real-world objects in that...

  7. Motion of components, motion limitation, or identification of interference between components is not usually provided in ...

  8. The original part in 3D solid modelling determines whether...

  9. Parametric solids differ from "dumb" solids in ...

  10. Direct modelling functionality allows...

  11. Correct relationships between selected geometry are made possible by...

  12. Explicit Modellers are defined as...

  13. Freeform surface modelling not only...

6.2The effects of CAD: open questions

  • Questions

  1. What were the consequences of using readily affordable CAD programs?

  2. What has contributed to the cost reduction of these programs?

  3. How have training costs come down?

6.3 Questions to the Numerical Control: Open questions

  1. What is the difference in operation between CNC machines and manually operated machine tools?

  2. How is automation implemented in modern CNC systems?

  3. How is the problem of using different tools dealt with?

  4. How is that punch tapes are still used in modern CNC systems?

  5. What is the basis for the proliferation of new CNC standards?

  6. What are some of the most common standards?

  7. What is the difference between them?

  8. What can a programmer actually do when using parametric programming?

  9. What can be a good description of a CNC machine tool?

  10. How has user safety been enhanced in modern CNC systems?

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