
 1. Define Integer Programming Problem (IPP)? (DEC ’07)

A linear programming problem in which some or all of the variables in the optimal solution are restricted to assume non-negative integer values is called an Integer Programming Problem (IPP) or Integer Linear Programming
2. Explain the importance of Integer programming problem?

            In LPP the values for the variables are real in the optimal solution. However in certain problems this assumption is unrealistic. For example if a problem has a solution of 81/2 cars to be produced in a manufacturing company is meaningless. These types of problems require integer values for the decision variables. Therefore IPP is necessary to round off the fractional values.

3. List out some of the applications of IPP? (MAY ’09) (DEC ’07) (MAY ’07)

  • IPP occur quite frequently in business and industry.

  • All transportation, assignment and traveling salesman problems are IPP, since the decision variables are either Zero or one.

  • All sequencing and routing decisions are IPP as it requires the integer values of the decision variables.

  • Capital budgeting and production scheduling problem are PP. In fact, any situation involving decisions of the type either to do a job or not to do can be treated as an IPP.

  • All allocation problems involving the allocation of goods, men, machines, give rise to IPP since such commodities can be assigned only integer and not fractional values.

4. List the various types of integer programming? (MAY ’07)

            Mixed IPP

            Pure IPP
5. What is pure IPP?

In a linear programming problem, if all the variables in the optimal solution are restricted to assume non-negative integer values, then it is called the pure (all) IPP.
6. What is Mixed IPP?

In a linear programming problem, if only some of the variables in the optimal solution are restricted to assume non-negative integer values, while the remaining variables are free to take any non-negative values, then it is called A Mixed IPP.
7. What is Zero-one problem?

If all the variables in the optimum solution are allowed to take values either 0 or 1 as in ‘do’ or ‘not to do’ type decisions, then the problem is called  Zero-one problem or standard discrete programming problem.
8.  What is the difference between pure integer programming & mixed integer programming?

When an optimization problem, if all the decision variables are restricted to take integer values, then it is referred as pure integer programming. If some of the variables are allowed to take integer values, then it is referred as mixed integer programming.

9. Explain the importance of Integer Programming?

In linear programming problem, all the decision variables allowed to take any non-negative real values, as it is quite possible and appropriate to have fractional values in many situations. However in many situations, especially in business and industry, these decision variables make sense only if they have integer values in the optimal solution. Hence a new procedure has been developed in this direction for the case of LPP subjected to additional restriction that the decision variables must have integer values.
10. Why not round off the optimum values instead of resorting to IP? (MAY ’08)

There is no guarantee that the integer valued solution (obtained by simplex method) will satisfy the constraints. i.e. ., it may not satisfy one or more constraints and as such the new solution may not feasible. So there is a need for developing a systematic and efficient algorithm for obtaining the exact optimum integer solution to an IPP.
11. What are methods for IPP? (MAY ’08)

Integer programming can be categorized as

(i) Cutting methods

(ii) Search Methods.
12. What is cutting method?

            A systematic procedure for solving pure IPP was first developed by R.E.Gomory in 1958. Later on, he extended the procedure to solve mixed IPP, named as cutting plane algorithm; the method consists in first solving the IPP as ordinary LPP. By ignoring the integrity restriction and then introducing additional constraints one after the other to cut certain part of the solution space until an integral solution is obtained.

13. What is search method?

It is an enumeration method in which all feasible integer points are enumerated. The widely used search method is the Branch and Bound Technique. It also starts with the continuous optimum, but systematically partitions the solution space into sub problems that eliminate parts that contain no feasible integer solution. It was originally developed by A.H.Land and A.G.Doig.
14. Explain the concept of Branch and Bound Technique?

The widely used search method is the Branch and Bound Technique. It starts with the continuous optimum, but systematically partitions the solution space into sub problems that eliminate parts that contain no feasible integer solution. It was originally developed by A.H.Land and A.G.Doig.
15. Give the general format of IPP?

The general IPP is given by

Maximize Z = CX

Subject to the constraints

AX   ≤ b,

X   ≥ 0     and some or all variables are integer.
16. Write an algorithm for Gomory’s Fractional Cut algorithm?
1. Convert the minimization IPP into an equivalent maximization IPP and all the

     coefficients and constraints should be integers.

2. Find the optimum solution of the resulting maximization LPP by using simplex


3. Test the integrity of the optimum solution.

4. Rewrite each XBi

5. Express each of the negative fractions if any, in the kth row of the optimum simplex

     table as the sum of a negative integer and a non-negative fraction.

6. Find the fractional cut constraint

7. Add the fractional cut constraint at the bottom of optimum simplex table obtained in

     step 2.

8. Go to step 3 and repeat the procedure until an optimum integer solution is obtained.

17. What is the purpose of Fractional cut constraints?

In the cutting plane method, the fractional cut constraints cut the unuseful area of the feasible region in the graphical solution of the problem. i.e. cut that area which has no integer-valued feasible solution. Thus these constraints eliminate all the non-integral solutions without loosing any integer-valued solution.
18.A manufacturer of baby dolls makes two types of dolls, doll X and doll Y. Processing of these dolls is done on two machines A and B. Doll X requires 2 hours on machine A and 6 hours on Machine B. Doll Y requires 5 hours on machine A and 5 hours on Machine B. There are 16 hours of time per day available on machine A and 30 hours on machine B. The profit is gained on both the dolls is same. Format this as IPP?
Let the manufacturer decide to manufacture x1 the number of doll X and x2 number of doll Y so as to maximize the profit. The complete formulation of the IPP is given by

Maximize         Z = x1+x2

Subject to        2 x1 + 5 x2 ≤16

6 x1+ 5 x2 ≤30

and ≥0 and are integers.
19. Explain Gomory’s Mixed Integer Method?

The problem is first solved by continuous LPP by ignoring the integrity condition. If the values of the integer constrained variables are integers, then the current solution is an optimal solution to the given mixed IPP. Else select the source row which corresponds to the largest fractional part among these basic variables which are constrained to be integers. Then construct the Gomarian constraint from the source row. Add this secondary constraint at the bottom of the optimum simplex table and use dual simplex method to obtain the new feasible optimal solution. Repeat this procedure until the values of the integer restricted variables are integers in the optimum solution obtained.
20. What is the geometrical meaning of portioned or branched the original problem?

Geometrically it means that the branching process eliminates portion of the feasible region that contains no feasible-integer solution. Each of the sub-problems solved separately as a LPP.

21. What is standard discrete programming problem?

If all the variables in the optimum solution are allowed to take values either 0 or 1 as in ‘do’ or ‘not to do’ type decisions, then the problem is called standard discrete programming problem.
22. What is the disadvantage of branched or portioned method?

It requires the optimum solution of each sub problem. In large problems this could be very tedious job.
23. How can you improve the efficiency of portioned method?

The computational efficiency of portioned method is increased by using the concept of bounding. By this concept whenever the continuous optimum solution of a sub problem yields a value of the objective function lower than that of the best available integer solution it is useless to explore the problem any further consideration. Thus once a feasible integer solution is obtained, its associative objective function can be taken as a lower bound to delete inferior sub-problems. Hence efficiency of a branch and bound method depends upon how soon the successive sub-problems are fathomed.


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