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Introduction of the Workshop

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Introduction of the Workshop
The Regional International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP) Pilot Workshop for Asia and Pacific was held in the University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur on 17-20 January 2005. Nominated officials, who are responsible for information exchange in their respective National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) and more specifically those tasked with entering the relevant information in the IPP, from Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam, attended the workshop which was convened by the IPPC Secretariat with the assistance of the Crop Protection and Plant Quarantine Division, Department of Agriculture, Malaysia and the APPPC.
The pilot workshop served to: highlight any remaining design issues with the system; conduct stress tests of the website; reflect the range of experiences and ability of the whole global phytosanitary community as far as possible; and ttest the installation and performance of two special training instances of the system, one installed in the training room, and one at FAO Headquarters.
The workshop started with the welcome addresses of Ms. Azizah Mat Jan, Assistant Director of the Crop Protection and Plant Quarantine Division of the Department of Agriculture, Malaysia, and Mr. David C. Nowell from the IPPC Secretariat. Mr. Nowell stressed that this pilot was the first of a series of worldwide IPP workshops. Participants were encouraged to participate fully as the outcome of this pilot workshop would largely determine the content and structure of future IPP workshops. As needs of different countries would vary, he encouraged free discussion and also hoped to improve the actual IPP website, through feedback from participants, during the entire process.
During the presentations made by Mr. Nowell, Mr. Jan Breithaupt and Mr. Mike Robson from the Secretariat of IPPC, highlighted the background and mainframe of the IPP, obligations, roles and benefits of NPPOs and gave explanations of navigation and data entry. A detailed discussion took place on how national reporting delegations under the IPPC were followed (details refer the Appendix 3).
Participants were given browsing exercises based on real examples, and each country was assigned practical hands-on work; each report was presented to the workshop.
The nomination of official contact points, main constraints, coordination of NPPO websites, and differences between scientific and official information under the IPPC context were discussed.
During the operational practice, discussions and evaluation of the workshop, many suggestions and recommendations were put forward for further improvements for IPP design (i.e. key words, titles of the sections, adding several functional keys, re-positioning of some sections), server, facilities, agenda and contents for the future workshop (details can be found in Appendix 3-Workshop Report).
The RO revised a large amount of outdated information on APPPC in the IPP, edited and added APPPC Calendars and News about the APPPC activities which will be held in the first four month of 2005 in the section on Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs).
The arrangement of the next regional workshop on IPP was discussed in detail (venue, agenda, invitations, etc.) with Mr. Nowell , The SALB project extension was discussed between Ms. Asna Booty Othman, Director of Crop Protection & Plant Quarantine Division, Malaysia and the RO.
During the workshop the RO met with Mr. A. Sivapragasam, Deputy Director, Pests & Disease Management, Rice &Iindustrial Crop Research Center, Malaysia and Mr. Loke Wai Hong, Regional Representative, CABI South East Asia Regional Center to discuss invasive species’ management.

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