Instructions for self evaluation Identify an individual to coordinate the program evaluation. The person responsible for coordinating the program evaluation should meet with 3-4 others interested in conducting the self-evaluation Instructions 441.69 Kb. 6
Instructions for Applying for Cigar Bar Certification Cigar smoking is permitted in a business that qualifies as a cigar bar under ors 433. 835. Cigar bars must meet certain criteria and abide by specific rules to permit cigar smoking indoors [ors 433. 835 and 433. 850; oar 333-015-0066] Instructions 120.24 Kb. 1
Instructions for the functional program template Oac 310: 667 for Hospitals. The functional program describes the project. It includes the “General Functional Program Template” that addresses the requirements at 310: 667-41-1(e) Instructions 43.21 Kb. 1
Instructions for each are as follows An in-place upgrade will allow you to keep your files, settings, and applications while upgrading to a newer build of Windows Instructions 16.01 Kb. 1