Chief Patron Shri Avinash Dikshit Commissioner Patron

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Chief Patron

Shri Avinash Dikshit

Commissioner Patron

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Shri C Mani

Deputy Commissioner

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Co-Ordinator Gurgaon Region

Shri B L Morodia

Assistant Commissioner

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Gurgaon Region

Shri C S Azad Shri A K Sharma

Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Gurgaon Region Gurgaon Region

Study Material Produced under the supervision of

Mrs. Dolly Gulati Agnihotri


KV No 1 Faridabad

Team Members

Mrs Amita Kohli ,PGT English, KV No 1 Faridabad(Support Material Co ordinator and Moderator)

Mrs Seema Sharma,PGT English, KV No 3 Faridabad

Mrs Nisha Garg, ,PGT English, KV No 2 Faridabad

Mrs Anita Kohli,PGT English, KV Sector 12 Dwarka

Mrs Neetu Saraswat PGT English, KV AFS Gurgaon

Mrs Manisha,PGT English, KV Sector 8,Rohini

Mr Ramesh Chander,PGT English ,PGT English, Sector 5 Dwarka

Mr Narendra,PGT English, KV Palwal

Mrs Suprabha Vaid,PGT English, KV Sector 3 Dwarka

This is a purely educational publication with no commercial interests.


It gives me immense pleasure to place the Class XI English study material 2014-15 in your hands. A lot of hard work with great dedication & perseverance has been put into preparing this material so that the users are able to get it in good time & are able to make optimum use of it.

I would like the students & teachers to go through this material word by word & practice it thoroughly to score well in the board exams. I would advise the teachers & the students to go through the latest exam specifications 2014-15 very carefully as there is a change in the question paper pattern, weightage to units/ sections etc.
This material has been prepared by a team of Principal & experienced teachers of English from KVs of Gurgaon Region & I hope the students will make best use of it. Three Sample Papers for practice have been included in the material. Also every section includes some solved questions for the guidance of the students

Any suggestions are most welcome.

C Mani

Deputy Commissioner

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Gurgaon Region

Table of Contents

  1. Examination Specifications

  2. Tips to score better

  3. Section A-Reading Unseen passages and Note making

  4. Section B-Advanced Writing Skills and Grammar

  5. Section C- Literature Textbooks and Long Reading Text



The Canterville Ghost

  1. Three Sample Papers



Section A

Reading Comprehension 20 marks

Very short answer +/ Short answer and MCQ Type questions

Two unseen passages (including poems) with a variety of questions including 04 marks for vocabulary such as a word formation and inferring measuring. The total range of the 2 passages including a poem or a stanze should be around 900-1000 words.

Factual passages, eg. Illustrations, description, reports

Discursive passage involving opinion, eg. Argumentative, persuasive.

Literary passage eg. Extracts from fiction, biography, autobiography, travelogue etc. In the case of a poem, the test may be shorter than the prescribed word limit.

Section B

Writing Skills and Grammar 30 marks


Short Answer Question Based on notice / poster / advertisement

Long Answer Question Letters based on verbal / visual input. It would cover all types of letters.

Letter types may includes.

  1. Business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies)

  2. Letters to the editor (giving suggestions/opinions on an issue)

  3. Application for a job with a bio data or resume.

  4. Letter to the school or college authorities, regarding admissions, school issues, requirements / suitability of courses etc.

Very Long Answer Questions : Composition in the form of article, speech, report writing or a narrative.
Grammar :

  • Different grammatical structures in meaningful contends will be tested. Items types will include gap filling, sentence re-ordering, dialogue completion and sentence transformation. The grammar syllabus will include determiners, tenses, clauses, modals and Change of Voice. These grammar areas will be tested using the following short answer type and MCQ type question.

  • Error Corrections, editing tasks.

  • Re-ordering of sentences

  • Transformation of sentences.

Section C

Literature and Long Reading Texts/Novels

Questions to test comprehension at different levels literal, inferential and evaluative

  1. Hornbill : Text book published by NCERT, New Delhi

  2. Snapshots : Supplementary Reader published by NCERT, New Delhi

The following have been deleted :

Text books Name of the lessons deleted

Hornbill 1. Landscape of the Soul

2. The Adventure

3. Silk Road

4. The Laburnum Top (Poetry)

5. The Ghat of the only World
Snapshots :

Very Short Answer Questions : Based on an extract from poetry to test reference to context comprehension and appreciation.

Short Answer Questions : Based on prose, poetry and plays from both the texts.

Long Answer Questions : Based on prescribed texts to test global comprehension and exirapolation beyond the texts to bring out the key messages and values.

Long Answer Questions : Based on theme plot, incidents or events from the prescribed novels.

Long Answer Questions : Based on understanding appreciation, analysis and interpretation of the characters.

Notes Value-based questions may be given as long answers in the writing or literature sections.
Long Reading Texts/Novels (either one)

With a view to inculcate the habit of reading among the students, CBSE has introduced compulsory reading of a Long Reading Text – Novel in the English Core Course and will be evaluated in the Term-end- Assessments Schools can opt for either one of the texts.


i) The Canterville Ghost Oscar Wilde(unabridged 1906 Edition)

ii) Up from Slavery Booker T.Washington (unabridged 1906 Edition)
Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL)

It is recommended that speaking skills should be regularly taught in the class.



ENGLISH CORE XI (Code No. 301) Time 3 hours Marks 80+20=100


Typology of question / learning outcome

MCQ I Marks

Very Short Ans. Quest. 1 mark

Short Ans. Question 3 marks

Short Ans. Question 4 marks

Long Ans.




5 marks

Long Ans.




6 marks

Very Long Ans. 150-200 words


10 Marks

Total mark

Over all %

Reading Skills

Conceptual understanding, decoding, analyzing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary conventions & vocabulary, summarizing and using appropriate format/s.









Writing Skills & Grammar

Reasoning, appropriacy of style and (one) using appropriate format and fluency inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity, appreciation applying of languages conventions, comprehension using structures, accuracy & fluency.











Text books and long reading text /novel

Recalling, reasoning, appreciating a literary conventions, inference, analysis, evaluation, creativity with fluency









Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills

Interaction reasoning direction, articulation, clarity, pronunciation and overall fluency

















Tips for good preparation


Tips to score well

The following steps might help:

A1- Reading Comprehension

  • To develop reading skills ,start on short and easy passages

  • Read the passage thoroughly

  • Read the Questions; find the answer in the passages

  • Guess the words nearest to the meaning while attempting vocabulary in the context of the passages. If in doubt, leave one line space, go on the next question and come back to the question after attempting all the question.

  • Remember that you can score well in the reading question if you do a lot of extra- unseen reading

A2- Note Mating

  • This seems to be difficult but is not

  • A scoring question

  • Read the passage carefully

  • Note down the keywords and phrases paragraph wire in rough

  • Do not uses complete sentences; use points only.

  • Each idea must have one main point and required sub-point

  • Do not give examples and quotations

  • Give key / glossary of the abbreviations used (6-10)

  • Clue to the title can be taken from the beginning of the passage

  • Title should be short – not more than 6 words

  • Summary must not exceed 80 words and must be based on the notes made.

  • The notes should be numbered and indented.

  • Remember note mating has 4 value points (title notes, glossary, summary)

B3- Short compositions

  1. Classified advertisements

  • Clearly state the category at the top- e.g. - for sale , to let etc

  • Give all necessary details in point using commas

  • Give contact address, name, and telephone number.

  • Put the matter in a box

  1. Display advertisement

  • Give a catchy caption

  • Present the matter attractively using slogans, metaphors and catchy phrases.

  • Give name and address of the advertiser

  • Put the mattes in a box

  1. Notice

  • Use the word NOTICE followed by name of organization /institute

  • Give a suitable caption

  • Give the required information briefly

  • Context- what (event), when (date, time), where (venue)

  • End with signature and designation.

  1. Posters

  • Use a catchy presentation

  • Write relevant slogans and catchy phrases (min. 4)

  • Give appropriate visual appeal

  • Give important information (e.g. venue, date, time, occasion, purpose)

  • Use different sizes of letters and different placing

  • Draw simple sketches if you can

  • Mention issuing authority at the end with address, telephone number, website etc.

  • Present the matter in the box.

B4 – Factual Description

  • Could be description of a building (location, appearance, interiors, surroundings etc.)

  • Use interesting and descriptive words.

  • Could be on description of objects (appearance, parts, function etc)

  • Could be eye – witness accounts

  • Could be describing a process or an experiment

B-5 Letter Writing

Types of letters

Business letters

Letter to the editor

Application for job

1.Official letter

1. Discussing


Social issues and

giving suggestions

1.covering letter to

apply for a job

2.Making enquiries

3.Placing orders

2. curriculum vitae/




  • Make a rough draft

  • Use crisp and to point language

  • Include necessary details

  • Always end letter on a positive note

  • Curriculum vitae should include name, father’s name ,date of birth, qualifications, sex, marital status, nationality, contact address and telephone number , e-mail id , and most importantly two references

B6- Writing an article/speech/debate

Follow the coder which means

  • C = collect ideas

  • O = organize them sequentially and logically

  • D = develop into a rough draft

  • E = edit for errors in expression

  • R = rewrite neatly

  • Give a title for the article followed by the writers name

  • Adders the audience in speech and debate sub satiating your opinion clearly

  • Arrange in paragraphs

Literature Section

  • Be thorough with the texts.

  • Use key words and phrases from the text.

  • For this section each lesson of both books been dealt with at great length in study material.

  • Students should not miss working out the short answer and long answer question which are given for practice.

  • Repeated reading of chapters will help in fixing all in details students memory.

  • Write value points for the long answer question so that not much time is wasted in bringing to mind the main points.

  • Stick to the word limit.

Time management is must. Manage time well. Practice minimum 4 model papers and complete them in three hours each.

Guidelines for Reading Comprehension:--

Comprehension means understanding or perception. Reading is a skill that can be acquired. Anyone can learn to read better and faster and thereby comprehend in lesser time.

Rather than concentrating on words on the page, look for the main ideas. Follow the main thread of the ideas consciously at a fast pace. Try to comprehend the development of thought. Minor details can be avoided.

The following points are to be carefully noted. While attempting questions on comprehension

1) Read the questions first and try to catch the theme of the passage.

2) In FIRST READING go through the passage carefully and mark the difficult words

3) Word attack strategy:-

(i) remove prefix or suffix and try to reach to the core word

(ii) Read one or two lines ahead or preceding the words to guess the meaning contractually

4) Read questions again

5) In SECOND READING-mark the areas where you can locate the answer of the questions

6) In THIRD READING-mould your answers using simple language

7) Answer should reveal your understanding of the passage

8) Answer should be brief and to the point. Avoid irrelevant material.

There are many possible sources of reading texts.books aimed specifically at a teenage audience are particularly suitable and you may find useful ones in your school library. Here are some suggestions for other places to look.

Factual texts –reference books tourist brochures, newspapers

Discursive texts---magazines as Newsweek

Literary texts---novels and magazines

Passage 1 for Reading Comprehension(solved)

The Titanic was a masterpiece. She was the envy of all the maritime nations of the world. In speed, I craftsmanship and in the amenities she provided, the Titanic was unsurpassed. She was indeed the largest and best passenger liner the world had seen. Above all, the Titanic was so strong that she was considered to be invincible and indestructible.

The luxury-liner had every facility possible to draw the richand famous towards her like a magnet. There were ten decks that rose majestically, one above the other. There was a Parisian café, a Jacobean dining room to seat five hundred, a swimming pool, sun parlours , tea terraces and many more delights for those who could pay for them.
On the fateful night, the Titanic was carrying abroad around 2200 people. She was on her maiden voyage so she had a passenger list that included high ranking officials of the White star Line that she belonged to, and many other important persons. Nothing could go wrong.
That night the impossible happened. At about eleven – forth the ship struck a gigantic iceberg which tore into its sides and that was the beginning of the end of the Titanic. It was a long and eventful right full of acts of heroism. The Captain and his crew displayed extreme fortitude strength of spirit and dedication to duty.
Their behaviour was exemplary in all respects. Of special note is the courage displayed by the two radio officers who stayed at their posts long after they had been released. The bandsman re to be admired for the way they attempted to keep up the spirits of the passengers and crew by playing their music. They were real heroes as was the Captain who refused to take a seat on one of the lifeboats and saved an infant even as he met his death.

Sinking of the Titanic


1) What was the name of the ship?

2) What was it appreciated for?

3) What facilities had been provided on the ship?

4) How many passenger were there on Titanic on the fateful night?

5) At what time the ship struck the iceburg and how did it meet its end?

6) How did the Captain Smith show that he was British to the core?

Multiple choice questions

1) Courage displayed by two radio officers was when,

(i) they stayed at their post

(ii) saved many people

(iii) saved their life

(iv) ran away in lifeboats

2) Name the cafe in the ship

(i) friendlich café

(ii) American café

(iii) hall herould café

(iv) parisian café

3)How many decks rose majestically over one another?(i)12(ii)5(iii)10

Give trhe meaning of the following:--


(b) fortitude



  1. It was Titanic a ship.

  2. It was appericiated for its craftsmanship and aminities.

  3. Percian café, Jacobean dining room,a swimming pool, sunparlour,tea terraces etc.

  4. 2200

  5. 11.40

  6. Captain smith refusedto take a seat on one of the lifeboats and saved an infant even as he met his death.

Multiple choice questions

  1. They stayed at their post.

  2. Parsian café

  3. 10

Meaning of the words:-

First,as an example,huge


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : (12)

After saying ‘yes’ to Olympics all these years let us learn to say no. Our record speaks for itself. We participate, we don’t complete. That nearly sums up our life at Olympics.

Such a performance is baffling, worrying. But it is also instructive. Even as the herd that is, the rest of the world, prepares for the 2008. Beijing Olympics, it is time to ask ourselves whether we should follow them, too. After all, Olympics have changed a lot. If you think that the spirit of fun drives the Games, you are mistaken. The muscle of competitiveness now motors every event. And why shouldn’t it? Physical readiness, mental toughness, and ruthless ambition have changed sport into a global contest. Swimmers Michael Phelps and Jan Thorpe do not compete: they train to calculate their chances. The big story four years hence will be an East West slugfest : Chinese planning versus US precision.

For all the rhythm and beauty, sport is also jagged and ugly. Although magic and despair are the soul mates of sport, there is hardly any place for losers. Nothing sums this feeling better than gymnast Paul Hamm’s emotive gasp after winning the gold : “I dug down deep and I fought for everything” Boston Globe equated the endeavour with romance: “The romantic arena can be loaded with awkward stumbles and miscalculations that might keep a person single if he or she were to dwell on the negative of bad dates instead of the possibilities of love”.

But it was also the fear of failure that drove Hamm at Athens. It was the rare ability to cut the Gordian knot of human tolerance and win. And when Hamm did that, he proved that Olympics are not about athletic competence alone.

To race is to win. If it can’t win, why should India race? Let’s look at our Olympic pickings since 1900, when India first participated in the Games.

Our achievement at the end of the Athens Olympics stands at eight gold, two silver and five bronze. More than a quarter of a century have elapsed since we last bagged gold. So do we really need to be in the race? Or do we need to thoroughly start preparing for one?

If Olympics have become tough, competitive, and almost corporate like in execution why can’t India think laterally ? Our athletes are not world class : our training infrastructure is pathetic: and our sport vision is myopic. The upshot after a series of false starts, it is time to pull out of something that yields no returns time to sit out the Olympics. There is nothing wrong with that Corporates do that all the time when business go bad. They even do that when business is plateauing. Why should sport be different? A “no” would give India an opportunity to rethink. “Dig down a deep” and prepare for conquest. It can always go back to the arena after a few years, but as a team that is sure of itself.

Today, there’s nothing more boring or disheartening than India in the Olympics. Post Olympics, we debate India’s latest flop show. Pre – Olympics we discuss the sum of all failures. We measure our prowess on the Olympics games scale. We lament our failure. But we come up with a one gold – medal solution. Sometimes, silver is enough to satisfy our downscaling expectations. Why don’t we lay siege to all our fears ?

After all, Olympics are not the ultimate benchmarks for human achievement. Take tennis and football, where Wimbledon and FIFA’s world cup have become the meccas of sport, why fret over Olympics when sport is fragmenting itself and creating its own niches of excellence? In fact, Olympics are far removed from the world of computers were higher , faster, stronger also means brainier. Online Olympiads are distant dreams still, though broadband gaming communities are ballooning by the day.

This is not to say that India should now forget sport, instead, create more IITs and IIMs, the nurseries of entrepreneurial and managerial talent. It is only to point out that India can perform if it sticks to its proven strengths. Why not relentless focus on cricket, chess and say hockey? Is anybody even asking : After Sachin, who? Or, are we awaiting another miracle at Shivaji Park? Despite India’s wins. Indian cricket is a success story crafted by individuals. Unlike the Aussies, these ain’t products churned out regularly by super infrastructure and top notch local contests. These are stories of individual excellence that await sequels. But sequels can only be crafted by vision and strategy.

Let us not kill ourselves over the Olympics. Let us retreat to tone our sinews. Let us rebuild our competencies. Let us refocus to sharpen our vision or starve ourselves for glory. Only then can we think and triumph like Sun Tzu’s hungry man”. And start from scratch, by inspiring ourselves.

Answer the following questions briefly:--


Q1) Have we learnt a lesson from the participation in Olympic games?

Q2) What has changed sport into a global contest?

Q3) Why does the writer feel it is time for us to pull out of the Olympics?

Q4) What will be the big story fours years hence ?

Q5)’ Sports are not all rhythm and beauty’ explain.

Q6 ) what will happen if we do not train ourselves to be competent in sport?

A1.2) Find from the passage the words that have opposite meaning

i) meek ( para 2)

ii) elation (para 3)

iii)mediocre( para9)


i) What is needed to be a sportsman

a) physical readiness

b) mental toughness

c) ruthless ambition

d) all of the above

ii) Mediocre means

a) to be first - one

b) to be last – one

c) to be in middle

d) to be the topper

iii)India’s performance in Olympics

a) examplary

b) disheartening

c) boosting d)enthralling

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