Course Coordinator Dr. Tej Pratap (For Prof. A. K. Dubey)

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Production and Operation Management

Production and Operation Management (ME16111)

Course Coordinator

Dr. Tej Pratap (For Prof. A.K. Dubey)

Core or Elective course

Core course

Course Objectives:
1. To understand and visualize the basic concepts and theories of the production system
structures, planning, control of resources and production process management using
advanced technologies in the context of industrial and business scenarios.
2. Anticipate the issues and challenges in the production process and management they may
face during their career growth and ready to tackle the situation with greater confidence
3. Understand the supply and demand chain and apply the management skills and their
influence on different levels of business decisions.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the student would able to:
1. Understand the knowledge about production systems and different management skills.
2. Able to run different levels of industrial operations and shop floor effectively.
3. Enhanced the understanding of modern production technologies and their use to increase
the productivity of the system.
4. A better understanding of the supply chain and their management skills through the knowledge
of customer needs.

Syllabus: (3L per Week, Total Class Hours: 45 hours)

Unit - 1
Aggregate Production Planning- Master scheduling, Bills of materials and MRP, Purpose, and scope, Basic
strategies, Disaggregating methods, Order control, and flow control, Routing, Scheduling, and priority dispatching,
Operations scheduling. Forecasting, Causal and time series models, moving average, exponential smoothening, trend
, and seasonality.     (8L)

Unit - 2
Capacity Planning and Facility Design- Importance of Capacity and Location decisions, Measuring Capacity,
Capacity Strategy, Capacity Planning and Evaluation Methods. Facility location factors, evaluation of alternatives,
Types of plant layout, evaluation, Computer-aided layout, Assembly line balancing.      (7L)

Unit - 3
Simulation Analysis for Operation Management- Types of Simulation Models, Steps in Simulation Modelling
and Analysis, Sample Simulation, Evaluation Simulation Output.        (5L)

Unit – 4
Selection of Process Structure and Technology- Classification of Production Processes: Flow Processes, Job-shop
Processes, Cellular Processes, and Project Processes. Modern Production Technologies: Group Technology, Process
Automation, and CAD/CAM, Methods for evaluating Process and Technology.(10L)__Unit_-_5'>      (10L)

Unit - 5
Lean Production System- Kanban and Pull system, Implementation of JIT Production, JIT Scheduling, Benefits of
JIT, Evaluation of JIT Production, Bottleneck scheduling and theory of constraints.     (5L)

Unit - 6
Supply Chain Management-Introduction and overview of supply chain management, Inbound and outbound
logistics, Supply chain as a source of competitive advantage. Customer service, physical distribution planning,
channel considerations, inventory strategies and management, transportation infrastructure and management,
Industry analysis and value-chain models, the concept of total cost of ownership, supply stream strategies,
classification and development guidelines, measuring the effectiveness of supply management, The Bullwhip Effect and
supply-chain management game, Performance of Supply Chain.       (10L)

Examination Scheme:

Theory Examination                     Marks

Mid-semester examination                   20M
End-semester examination                   50M

Internal Assessment                                                     Marks
Attendance                                                                                   10M
Teacher assessment (2 Assignment + 1 Quiz)                      20M
100 Marks
Reference Books:

i. Production and Operations Management by Everett E. Adam, Jr. Ronald J. Ebert.
ii. Production and Operations Management by S. N. Chary.
iii. Modern Production/Operations Management by Elwood S. Buffa and Rakesh K. Sarin.
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