Glossary for Chapter 1 Algorithm

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Glossary for Chapter 1

Algorithm A systematic solution procedure for solving a particular type of problem. (Section 1.4)

OR Courseware The overall name of the set of software packages that are shrink-wrapped with the book. (Section 1.4)
Glossary for Chapter 2

Algorithm A systematic solution procedure for solving a particular type of problem. (Section 2.3)

Constraint An inequality or equation in a mathematical model that expresses some restrictions on the values that can be assigned to the decision variables. (Section 2.2)

Data mining A technique for searching large databases for interesting patterns that may lead to useful decisions. (Section 2.1)

Decision support system An interactive computer-based system that helps managers use data and models to support their decisions. (Section 2.5)

Decision variable An algebraic variable that represents a quantifiable decision to be made. (Section 2.2)

Heuristic procedure An intuitively designed procedure for seeking a good (but not necessarily optimal) solution for the problem at hand. (Section 2.3)

Linear programming model A mathematical model where the mathematical functions appearing in both the objective function and the constraints are all linear functions. (Section 2.2)

Metaheuristic A general kind of solution method that provides both a general structure and strategy guidelines for designing a specific heuristic procedure to fit a particular kind of problem. (Section 2.3)

Model An idealized representation of something. (Section 2.2)

Model validation The process of testing and improving a model to increase its validity. (Section 2.4)

Objective function A mathematical expression in a model that gives the overall measure of performance for a problem in terms of the decision variables. (Section 2.2)

Optimal solution A best solution for a particular problem. (Section 2.3)

Overall measure of performance A composite measure of how well the decision maker’s ultimate objectives are being achieved. (Section 2.2)

Parameter One of the constants in a mathematical model. (Section 2.2)

Retrospective test A test that involves using historical data to reconstruct the past and then determining how well the model and the resulting solution would have performed if they had been used. (Section 2.4)

Satisficing Finding a solution that is good enough (but not necessarily optimal) for the problem at hand. (Section 2.3)

Sensitive parameter A model’s parameter whose value cannot be changed without changing the optimal solution. (Section 2.3)

Sensitivity analysis Analysis of how the recommendations of a model might change if any of the estimates providing the numbers in the model eventually need to be corrected. (Sections 2.2 and 2.3)

Suboptimal solution A solution that may be a very good solution, but falls short of being optimal, for a particular problem. (Section 2.3)
Glossary for Chapter 3

Additivity The additivity assumption of linear programming holds if every function in the model is the sum of the individual contributions of the respective activities. (Section 3.3)

Blending problem A type of linear programming problem where the objective is to find the best way of blending ingredients into final products to meet certain specifications. (Section 3.4)

Certainty The certainty assumption of linear programming holds if the value assigned to each parameter of the model is assumed to be a known constant. (Section 3.3)

Changing cells The cells in a spreadsheet model that show the values of the decision variables. (Section 3.6)

Constraint A restriction on the feasible values of the decision variables. (Section 3.2)

Corner-point feasible (CPF) solution A solution that lies at the corner of the feasible region. (Section 3.2)

Data cells The cells in a spreadsheet that show the data of the problem. (Section 3.6)

Decision variable An algebraic variable that represents a quantifiable decision, such as the level of a particular activity. (Section 3.2)

Divisibility The divisibility assumption of linear programming holds if all the activities can be run at fractional levels. (Section 3.3)

Feasible region The geometric region that consists of all the feasible solutions. (Sections 3.1 and 3.2)

Feasible solution A solution for which all the constraints are satisfied. (Section 3.2)

Functional constraint A constraint with a function of the decision variables on the left-hand side. All constraints in a linear programming model that are not nonnegativity constraints are called functional constraints. (Section 3.2)

Graphical method A method for solving linear programming problems with two decision variables on a two-dimensional graph. (Section 3.1)

Infeasible solution A solution for which at least one constraint is violated. (Section 3.2)

Mathematical modeling language Software that has been specifically designed for efficiently formulating large mathematical models, including linear programming models. (Section 3.7)

Nonnegativity constraint A constraint that expresses the restriction that a particular decision variable must be nonnegative (greater than or equal to zero). (Section 3.2)

Objective function The part of a mathematical model such as a linear programming model that expresses what needs to be maximized or minimized, depending on the objective for the problem. (Section 3.2)

Optimal solution A best feasible solution according to the objective function. (Section 3.1)

Output cells The cells in a spreadsheet that provide output that depends on the changing cells. (Section 3.6)

Parameter One of the constants in a mathematical model, such as the coefficients in the objective function or the coefficients and right-hand sides of the functional constraints. (Section 3.2)

Product-mix problem A type of linear programming problem where the objective is to find the most profitable mix of production levels for the products under consideration. (Section 3.1)

Proportionality The proportionality assumption of linear programming holds if the contribution of each activity to the value of each function in the model is proportional to the level of the activity. (Section 3.3)

Range name A descriptive name given to a block of cells in a spreadsheet that immediately identifies what is there. (Section 3.6)

Sensitivity analysis Analysis of how sensitive the optimal solution is to the value of each parameter of the model. (Section 3.3)

Simplex method A remarkably efficient solution procedure for solving linear programming problems. (Introduction)

Slope-intercept form For the geometric representation of a linear programming problem with two decision variables, the slope-intercept form of a line algebraically displays both the slope of the line and the intercept of this line with the vertical axis. (Section 3.1)

Solution Any single assignment of values to the decision variables, regardless of whether the assignment is a good one or even a feasible one. (Section 3.2)

Solver A software package for solving certain types of mathematical models, such as linear programming models. (Section 3.7)

Target cell The output cell in a spreadsheet model that shows the overall measure of performance of the decisions. (Section 3.6)

Unbounded Z (or unbounded objective) The constraints do not prevent improving the value of the objective function (Z) indefinitely in the favorable direction. (Section 3.2)
Glossary for Chapter 4

Adjacent BF solutions Two BF solutions are adjacent if all but one of their nonbasic variables are the same. (Section 4.2)

Adjacent CPF solutions Two CPF solutions of an n-variable linear programming problem are adjacent to each other if they share n-1 constraint boundaries. (Section 4.1)

Allowable range for a right-hand side The range of values for this right-hand side bi over which the current optimal BF solution (with adjusted values for the basic variables) remains feasible, assuming no change in the other right-hand sides. (Section 4.7)

Allowable range to stay optimal The range of values for a coefficient in the objective function over which the current optimal solution remains optimal, assuming no change in the other coefficients. (Section 4.7)

Artificial variable A supplementary variable that is introduced into a functional constraint in = or ≥ form for the purpose of being the initial basic variable for the resulting equation. (Section 4.6)

Artificial-variable technique A technique that constructs a more convenient artificial problem for initiating the simplex method by introducing an artificial variable into each constraint that needs one because the model is not in our standard form. (Section 4.6)

Augmented form of the model The form of a linear programming model after its original form has been augmented by the supplementary variables needed to apply the simplex method. (Section 4.2)

Augmented solution A solution for the decision variables that has been augmented by the corresponding values of the supplementary variables that are needed to apply the simplex method. (Section 4.2)

Barrier algorithm (or barrier method) An alternate name for interior-point algorithm (defined below) that is motivated by the fact that each constraint boundary is treated as a barrier for the trial solutions generated by the algorithm. (Section 4.9)

Basic feasible (BF) solution An augmented CPF solution. (Section 4.2)

Basic solution An augmented corner-point solution. (Section 4.2)

Basic variables The variables in a basic solution whose values are obtained as the simultaneous solution of the system of equations that comprise the functional constraints in augmented form. (Section 4.2)

Basis The set of basic variables in the current basic solution. (Section 4.2)

BF solution See basic feasible solution.

Big M method A method that enables the simplex method to drive artificial variables to zero by assigning a huge penalty (symbolically represented by M) to each unit by which an artificial variable exceeds zero. (Section 4.6)

Binding constraint A constraint that holds with equality at the optimal solution. (Section 4.7)

Constraint boundary A geometric boundary of the solutions that are permitted by the corresponding constraint. (Section 4.1)

Convex combination of solutions A weighted average of two or more solutions (vectors) where the weights are nonnegative and sum to 1. (Section 4.5)

Corner-point feasible (CPF) solution A solution that lies at a corner of the feasible region, so it is a corner-point solution that also satisfies all the constraints. (Section 4.1)

Corner-point solution A solution of an n-variable linear programming problem that lies at the intersection of n constraint boundaries. (Section 4.1)

CPF solution See corner-point feasible solution.

Degenerate basic variable A basic variable whose value is zero. (Section 4.4)

Degenerate BF solution A BF solution where at least one of the basic variables has a value of zero. (Section 4.4)

Edge of the feasible region A line segment that connects two adjacent CPF solutions. (Section 4.1)

Elementary algebraic operations Basic algebraic operations (multiply or divide an equation by a nonzero constant; add or subtract a multiple of one equation to another) that are used to reduce the current set of equations to proper form from Gaussian elimination. (Section 4.3)

Elementary row operations Basic algebraic operations (multiply or divide a row by a nonzero constant; add or subtract a multiple of one row to another) that are used to reduce the current simplex tableau to proper form from Gaussian elimination. (Section 4.4)

Entering basic variable The nonbasic variable that is converted to a basic variable during the current iteration of the simplex method. (Section 4.3)

Exponential time algorithm An algorithm for some type of problem where the time required to solve any problem of that type can be bounded above only by an exponential function of the problem size. (Section 4.9)

Gaussian elimination A standard procedure for obtaining the simultaneous solution of a system of linear equations. (Section 4.3)

Initial BF solution The BF solution that is used to initiate the simplex method. (Section 4.3)

Initialization The process of setting up an iterative algorithm to start iterations. (Sections 4.1 and 4.3)

Interior point A point inside the boundary of the feasible region. (Section 4.9)

Interior-point algorithm An algorithm that generates trial solutions inside the boundary of the feasible region that lead toward an optimal solution. (Section 4.9)

Iteration Each execution of a fixed series of steps that keep being repeated by an iterative algorithm. (Sections 4.1 and 4.3)

Iterative algorithm A systematic solution procedure that keeps repeating a series of steps, called an iteration. (Section 4.1)

Leaving basic variable The basic variable that is converted to a nonbasic variable during the current iteration of the simplex method. (Section 4.3)

Minimum ratio test The set of calculations that is used to determine the leaving basic variable during an iteration of the simplex method. (Section 4.3)

Nonbasic variables The variables that are set equal to zero in a basic solution. (Section 4.2)

Optimality test A test of whether the solution obtained by the current iteration of an iterative algorithm is an optimal solution. (Sections 4.1 and 4.3)

Parametric linear programming The systematic study of how the optimal solution changes as several of the model’s parameters continuously change simultaneously over some intervals. (Section 4.7)

Pivot column The column of numbers below row 0 in a simplex tableau that is in the column for the current entering basic variable. (Section 4.4)

Pivot number The number in a simplex tableau that currently is at the intersection of the pivot column and the pivot row. (Section 4.4)

Pivot row The row of a simplex tableau that is for the current leaving basic variable. (Section 4.4)

Polynomial time algorithm An algorithm for some type of problem where the time required to solve any problem of that type can be bounded above by a polynomial function of the size of the problem. (Section 4.9)

Postoptimality analysis Analysis done after an optimal solution is obtained for the initial version of the model. (Section 4.7)

Proper form from Gaussian elimination The form of the current set of equations where each equation has just one basic variable, which has a coefficient of 1, and this basic variable does not appear in any other equation. (Section 4.3)

Reduced cost The reduced cost for a nonbasic variable measures how much its coefficient in the objective function can be increased (when maximizing) or decreased (when minimizing) before the optimal solution would change and this nonbasic variable would become a basic variable. The reduced cost for a basic variable automatically is 0. (Appendix 4.1)

Reoptimization technique A technique for efficiently solving a revised version of the original model by starting from a revised version of the final simplex tableau that yielded the original optimal solution. (Section 4.7)

Row of a simplex tableau A row of numbers to the right of the Z column in the simplex tableau. (Section 4.4)

Sensitive parameter A model’s parameter is considered sensitive if even a small change in its value can change the optimal solution. (Section 4.7)

Sensitivity analysis Analysis of how sensitive the optimal solution is to the value of each parameter of the model. (Section 4.7)

Shadow price When the right-hand side of a constraint in ≤ form gives the amount available of a certain resource, the shadow price for that resource is the rate at which the optimal value of the objective function could be increased by slightly increasing the amount of this resource being made available. (Section 4.7)

Simplex tableau A table that the tabular form of the simplex method uses to compactly display the system of equations yielding the current BF solution. (Section 4.4)

Slack variable A supplementary variable that gives the slack between the two sides of a functional constraint in ≤ form. (Section 4.2)

Surplus variable A supplementary variable that equals the surplus of the left-hand side over the right-hand side of a functional constraint in ≥ form. (Section 4.6)

Two-phase method A method that the simplex method can use to solve a linear programming problem that is not in our standard form by using phase 1 to find a BF solution for the problem and then proceeding as usual in phase 2. (Section 4.6)
Glossary for Chapter 5

Adjacent CPF solutions Two CPF solutions are adjacent if the line segment connecting them is an edge of the feasible region (defined below). (Section 5.1)

Basic feasible (BF) solution A CPF solution that has been augmented by the slack, artificial, and surplus variables that are needed by the simplex method. (Section 5.1)

Basic solution A corner-point solution that has been augmented by the slack, artificial, and surplus variables that are needed by the simplex method. (Section 5.1)

Basic variables The variables in a basic solution whose values are obtained as the simultaneous solution of the system of equations that comprise the functional constraints in augmented form. (Section 5.1)

Basis matrix The matrix whose columns are the columns of constraint coefficients of the basic variables in order. (Section 5.2)

BF solution See basic feasible solution.

Constraint boundary A geometric boundary of the solutions that are permitted by the constraint. (Section 5.1)

Constraint boundary equation The equation obtained from a constraint by replacing its ≤, =, or ≥ sign by an = sign. (Section 5.1)

Corner-point feasible (CPF) solution A feasible solution that does not lie on any line segment connecting two other feasible solutions. (Section 5.1)

Corner-point solution A solution of an n-variable linear programming problem that lies at the intersection of n constraint boundaries. (Section 4.1)

CPF solution See corner-point feasible solution.

Defining equations The constraint boundary equations that yield (define) the indicated CPF solution. (Section 5.1)

Degenerate BF solution A BF solution where at least one of the basic variables has a value of zero. (Section 5.1)

Edge of the feasible region For an n-variable linear programming problem, an edge of the feasible region is a feasible line segment that lies at the intersection of n-1 constraint boundaries. (Section 5.1)

Hyperplane A “flat” geometric shape in n-dimensional space for n > 3 that is defined by an equation. (Section 5.1)

Indicating variable Each constraint has an indicating variable that completely indicates (by whether its value is zero) whether that constraint’s boundary equation is satisfied by the current solution. (Section 5.1)

Nonbasic variables The variables that are set equal to zero in a basic solution. (Section 5.1)
Glossary for Chapter 6

Allowable range for a right-hand side The range of values for this right-hand side bi over which the current optimal BF solution (with adjusted values for the basic variables) remains feasible, assuming no change in the other right-hand sides. (Section 6.7)

Allowable range to stay optimal The range of values for a coefficient in the objective function over which the current optimal solution remains optimal, assuming no change in the other coefficients. (Section 6.7)

Complementary slackness A relationship involving each pair of associated variables in a primal basic solution and the complementary dual basic solution whereby one of the variables is a basic variable and the other is a nonbasic variable. (Section 6.3)

Complementary solution Each corner-point or basic solution for the primal problem has a complementary corner-point or basic solution for the dual problem that is defined by the complementary solutions property or complementary basic solutions property. (Section 6.3)

Dual feasible A primal basic solution is said to be dual feasible if the complementary dual basic solution is feasible for the dual problem. (Section 6.3)

Dual problem The linear programming problem that has a dual relationship with the original (primal) linear programming problem of interest according to duality theory. (Section 6.1)

Parametric programming The systematic study of how the optimal solution changes as several of the model’s parameters continuously change simultaneously over some intervals. (Section 6.7)

Primal-dual table A table that highlights the correspondence between the primal and dual problems. (Section 6.1)

Primal feasible A primal basic solution is said to be primal feasible if it is feasible for the primal problem. (Section 6.3)

Primal problem The original linear programming problem of interest when using duality theory to define an associated dual problem. (Section 6.1)

Reduced cost The reduced cost for a nonbasic variable measures how much its coefficient in the objective function can be increased (when maximizing) or decreased (when minimizing) before the optimal solution would change and this nonbasic variable would become a basic variable. The reduced cost for a basic variable automatically is 0. (Section 6.7)

Sensible-odd-bizarre method A mnemonic device to remember what the forms of the dual constraints should be. (Section 6.4)

Sensitive parameter A model’s parameter is considered sensitive if even a small change in its value can change the optimal solution. (Section 6.6)

Sensitivity analysis Analysis of how sensitive the optimal solution is to the value of each parameter of the model. (Section 6.6)

Shadow price The shadow price for a functional constraint is the rate at which the optimal value of the objective function can be increased by slightly increasing the right-hand side of the constraint. (Section 6.2)

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