Issn 1935-8459 Table of Contents

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51st Annual MBBA International Conference

April 13 – 15, 2016

Palmer House – Chicago, IL

2016 Proceedings

Society for Case Research

ISSN 1935-8459

Table of Contents

Welcome from the SCR President 3

Purpose and Objectives 4

Welcome from Vice President 2016 Program 5

Past Presidents 6

2016 Officers 7

Guidelines for Presenters, Chairs and Discussants 8

Critical Incident & Case Abstracts 11

Embryo Abstracts 63

Panel Summaries 79

Chairs 86

Scribes 87

Discussants 88

Authors 89

Panelists 92

Information for the 2016 Summer Workshop 93

SCR President’s Note
I first want to thank the SCR members. You make our organization active, worthy, and professional. I am honored to have served as President for 2015-16.
A sincere thank you to Andy Borchers for his work to ensure a very successful Summer Workshop. The people at Lipscomb University welcomed us to their campus, and we had ample opportunities to exchange ideas to help researchers with their cases. A good time was had at the Grand Ole Opry, too. Well done!
Neil Tocher is also to be thanked. He has been diligently encouraging us to participate in our Annual Meeting (MBAA Chicago—13-15 April 2016). I look forward to seeing you there.
Kay Hodge is to be recognized as she is busy preparing for the 2016 Summer Workshop. She has a full schedule of events lined up for us; so, make plans to attend 14-16 July, 2016 in Kearney, Nebraska. You will be hearing from Kay about the submission process.
Amanda Weed and Craig Davis are to be commended for their work on “SCR Manuscript Guidelines for Authors.” Please take a look at their fine work at
Joanne Tokle has assumed the role of Executive Director, and she is the epitome of expert knowledge and professionalism. Karen Foust has served steadfastly as our Treasurer. She also is the epitome of expert knowledge and professionalism. Thank you, Joanne and Karen! SCR is better because of you two.
Our editors and co-editors for the journals should be recognized as well. I enjoy the work for the Journal of Case Studies, and I thank you for allowing me to serve as editor. Appreciation goes to Kay Hodge, Craig Davis, Cara Peters, Tim Brotherton, and Tim Redmer for their work on the SCR journals: Business Case Journal, Journal of Case Studies, and Journal of Critical Incidents.
I ask you—members of SCR-- to consider volunteering to serve on a committee or on the Board of Directors. We need your insight to continue our great work. Finally, I thank the Board of Directors for their efforts this year. Some highlights of the work conducted include:
• We voted and approved that cases and critical incidents may be submitted anytime throughout the year.

• We voted and approved that it is not mandatory that a case or critical incident be presented at the Annual Meeting or the Summer Workshop to be considered for publication. We voted and approved that cases and critical incidents may be presented at either the Annual Meeting or the Summer Workshop.

• We voted and approved to have legal advice regarding our constitution, by-laws, and have our publication process reviewed. In particular, we asked to have our copyright and publication release language reviewed. We have engaged the law firm of Ward and Smith, P.A. to assist us with this important task. I shall report on this work to the Board and to the members at our Annual Business Meeting in Chicago at MBAA, 13-15 April 2016.
It has been an honor to serve.
Best and thanks,
Leigh W. Cellucci, PhD

President 2015-2016

The Society for Case Research: Purpose and Objectives and Membership

The Society for Case research is a nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is the development of individual efforts in the field of case research, case writing and case teaching.

The major objectives are:
1. To promote the association of case writers and those using cases in their teaching or research.
2. To provide programs for the exchange of ideas and the improvement of case research, writing and teaching.
3. To assist in the publication of written cases and the results of other scholarly work related to case writing and teaching.
4. To provide recognition for excellence in case research, writing and teaching.

For membership information, see the SCR website at or contact:

Karen Foust

SCR Treasurer


Welcome from Vice President 2016 Program

Greetings and welcome to the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for Case Research (SCR).

The next few days in Chicago promises to be an exciting and educational time for members of SCR. During this time, we will have the opportunity to interact and share ideas with peers from all over the world, continuing the tradition of excellence for our case writing society.
The members of the Society for Case research are talented and committed to improving the quality of education for undergraduates and graduate students. This is evident with submissions that were made this year. These include Cases, critical incidents, embryo cases, and panel discussions. I invite you to step outside of your comfort zone and attend the session that is outside of your discipline.
I would like to thank the board and membership for this opportunity to serve as program chair for this year’s conference. I would also like to thank the many members of the society who stepped up to serve as chairs, scribes, and discussants for the various sessions.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who submitted items for this year’s meeting and who work so hard to provide valuable materials for classroom use. I hope that the meeting exceeds your expectations and you have a great time while you’re in Chicago.

Neil Tocher

SCR Vice President 2016 Program

Idaho State University

Past Presidents
2015 - 2016 Leigh W. Cellucci, East Carolina University

2014 – 2015 John D. Veal, Jr., Webster University

2013 - 2014 Karen Berger, Pace University

2012 – 2013 Eric Nelson, University of Central Missouri

2011 - 2012 Leslie Korb, Georgian Court University

2010 – 2011 Kay A. Hodge, University of Nebraska at Kearney

2008 – 2010 William Stratton, Idaho State University

2007 - 2008 Robyne Hart, Hanover College

2006 - 2007 Martha C. Fransson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

2005 - 2006 Cheryl Noll, Eastern Illinois University

2003 – 2005 Barbara H. Nemecek, University of Wisconsin, River Falls

2002 – 2003 Robert A. Orwig, Mercer University/North Georgia College and State University

2001 – 2002 James W. Camerius, Northern Michigan University

2000 – 2001 Edwin C. Leonard, Jr. Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW)

1999 – 2000 Jeryl Nelson, Wayne State College

1998 – 1999 Grant Lindstrom, University of Wyoming

1997 – 1998 Dean Dudley, Eastern Illinois University

1996 – 1997 Paula Saunders, Wright State University

1995 – 1996 Roy Cook, Fort Lewis College

1994 – 1995 Lynda Goulet, University of Northern Iowa


Guidelines for Program Participants

The intent of the sessions is to provide guidance to authors for strengthening their critical incidents and embryo cases. The general assumption is that the authors plan to have their submission published at some point. All members of the program should work with this goal in mind.

Authors should plan a minimal presentation of their critical incident or embryo case. Basically, describe your reason for developing the idea, how it might be used, and any specific feedback you would like from the session.
Keep your presentation to a maximum of 5 minutes. (The session chair and discussants will have read your paper so there is no need to summarize it for them. You need to bring 15-20 copies of your submission for audience members who can read it while it is being discussed.)
Rooms are NOT equipped with audio visual or computer equipment.
Make certain you have a copy of the scribe notes before you leave the session.
Session Chairs

The intent of the sessions is to provide guidance to authors for strengthening their critical incidents and embryo cases. The general assumption is that the authors plan to have their submission published at some point. All members of the program should work with this goal in mind.

Chairs are responsible for conducting the sessions. Sessions need to start and end on time. All Discussants and Authors should be allotted equal time. This means each embryo case or critical incident has a total of 20-25 minutes. Try to leave a few minutes of this time for audience participation.
Chairs are expected to make constructive suggestions for improving the submission just as are the Discussants.
Save about 5 minutes at the end of each presentation to work with the Scribe, Author, and Discussants to reach agreement on what changes (1) must be made; (2) could potentially improve the submission, and (3) other changes the author(s) might want to consider.
Please collect one copy of the Scribe notes and give them to the Program Chair, Joe Thomas, at the end of your session. Make certain the author has the original.

The intent of the sessions is to provide guidance to authors for strengthening their critical incidents and embryo cases. The general assumption is that the authors plan to have their submission published at some point. All members of the program should work with this goal in mind.

Please read the critical incident or embryo case in advance of the conference with the intent of providing the author constructive feedback to help strengthen the submission. What changes could the author make that would make the submission more “teachable?” What changes could be made that would increase its chances of being published?
It is helpful if you print a copy of each submission and make notes on the paper copy for your use during the session. These notes also serve as guidelines for the author if they chose to revise their submission. Please give these notes to the author at the end of their session. Alternatively, you can email the Author a copy with your reviewer comments.
You only have about 5 minutes to share your comments. It may be necessary to prioritize your suggestions. Focus on missing information, redundancies, and other significant changes. Spelling and grammar issues are usually best handled by noting them on the copy given the author.

The intent of the sessions is to provide guidance to authors for strengthening their critical incidents and embryo cases. The general assumption is that the authors plan to have their submission published at some point. All members of the program should work with this goal in mind.

The scribe is to take notes reflecting the comments and suggestions made by the discussants and session chair.
There is usually about 5 minutes at the end of each presentation devoted to reviewing the scribe’s notes. The scribe reviews the comments and participants (chair, discussants, and author) reach consensus on what changes (1) must be made; (2) could potentially improve the submission, and (3) other changes the author(s) might want to consider.
Notes will be taken on 2-part carbonless paper available in the session rooms. Once the notes are completed Scribes are asked to give the original copy to the author. The copy will be collected from the room at the end of the session by the session chair or program chair. Please make sure that the name of the CI/embryo case and the time of the session are indicated at the top of each page.
A couple of quick notes about the carbonless paper:
The white sheet is the top page, and the yellow sheet is the “carbon copy”
Please do not stack the sheets on each other while you are writing…your writing will actually go on the other “carbon pages.”

Roles and Responsibilities Attendees

The SCR annual meeting is an event with opportunities for scholarship and fun. Sessions throughout the day are designed to involve authors and the audience in the opportunity to enhance scholarly research. The responsibilities of each of the roles at the meeting are briefly reviewed below. Whether you are presenting or discussing you will come away from the meeting with ideas to incorporate as you write and publish cases and critical incidents.


Chairs should begin and end sessions on time. The collegial exchange of ideas means the chair should strive for inclusiveness. Discussants first provide feedback and then authors, the chair and those attending the session will participate in a discussion of the work. This is an opportunity for authors to ask questions and receive clarification about comments and suggestions. The chair should watch the schedule and provide equal time to all scheduled to present.


Discussants should prepare written comments in advance to share with chair, attendees and presenters. The SCR tradition is to provide feedback to help authors prepare their work for publication. Discussants may find it helpful use the JCI Reviewer form as a guide. Discussants typically "mark up" copies of papers to provide authors with grammar, spelling and stylistic suggestions. The conversation at the meeting is too suggest changes, clarification, ask questions and provide a thorough review similar to what an author receives in a blind publication review. The benefit of the face-to-face communication is that ideas and the quality of work is enhanced by the collaborative review.


The role of the scribe is to accurately reflect the comments and suggestions the author must respond to. The scribe takes notes and then will review them briefly to make sure participants’ views are correctly represented. Discussants and participations usually begin with a brief review indicating whether or not the work presented seems to be a case or an incident and what steps an author might take to either expand or shorten work to meet case of CI criteria. The scribe distills the comments and develops a list which is usually categorized based on changes the author must incorporate, ones the participants don't require but think might help or enhance the work and any additional general comments.

Panelists and Authors

Provide copies of your panel, incident or embryo case to the audience. You will briefly present your work and then discussants, the chair and audience will participate in collegial feedback to help you develop your work for publication. Internet connectivity and projection equipment are not available so plan to informally share your work. Authors will receive suggestions, comments and ideas they will need to address before submitting work to The Journal of Critical Incidents for blind review. Comments are typically a consensus of participants and developed collaboratively with authors. The editors of the JCI and reviewers will receive the comments from the meetings.

Critical Incident


What Should San Jose Do About the Erotic Massage Parlors?
Asbjorn Osland, San Jose State University

Charles P. Wilson, Rhode Island College


There were around 300 erotic massage parlors in San Jose, CA. With at least three young women associated with each, that meant that around 1,200 people, including the owners, were involved. The City of San Jose planned to ensure that the massage parlors were not fronts for prostitution but only assigned two police officers to the task. Massage parlors typically charged for the massage, which was split between the house and the masseuse, and the masseuse kept tips, which could involve sexual activity although this was not always true; some were simply amateurish masseuses, not prostitutes. Should the authorities continue to close down the more flagrant centers of prostitution, one by one, based on citizen complaints? Or should they launch a massive and sweeping effort to close all massage parlors operating without certified massage therapists? Superbowl 50 was coming up (2/7/2016) in a neighboring city.

Learning Objectives

In completing this assignment, students should be able to:

1. Create a plan for the City of San Jose to offer masseuses more education and training so that they didn’t feel trapped in the massage industry.

2. Evaluate if the City should launch an aggressive crack down. Estimate the consequences.

3. Evaluate the potential police response.

The case could be used in Business and Society (i.e., role of illicit industries in society) and Criminal Justice Studies (i.e., how to enforce laws through regulations as opposed to heavy handed police action).

Key Words

erotic massage parlor, vice, prostitution


Asbjorn Osland, School of Global Innovation & Leadership, Box 1064, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192-0164. Email Phone 408-924-3574.

Monica’s Designer Handbags:

Creative Marketing Decision-making Based on Financial Analysis
Michael T. Manion, University of Wisconsin – Parkside

Karen Crooker, University of Wisconsin – Parkside

Peter Knight, University of Wisconsin – Parkside

Monica learned much about the designer apparel trade as an intern with a major retailer, so she started her own designer handbag business, selling through independent retailers. She practiced making sound marketing decisions using financial analysis techniques that she had learned in college. These techniques proved useful to Monica when a regional discount chain offered a deal to sell her handbags through their stores on a trial basis. She was faced with a tough decision to accept the deal, reject it, or renegotiate it on mutually acceptable terms. Students are asked to analyze case data and to advise Monica on how to proceed with the prospective deal.


After reading this case and solving the problems posed in the Questions, students should be able to:

  1. Calculate and explain the following concepts: wholesale price, contribution margin, markup, breakeven, and profit margin.

  2. Demonstrate an understanding of retailer and distributor margins, fixed costs, profit impact, and market share.

  3. Evaluate the financial impact of alternative pricing scenarios, a potential expansion opportunity, or changing from one distribution channel to another, and

  4. Develop realistic, acceptable offers and counter offers.


This brief case is a refresher exercise in quantitative financial analysis techniques in support of marketing decision making skills. It is intended for use in undergraduate marketing courses, including retail management and product management, and MBA marketing courses. It is suitable for online or traditional classroom settings.


Designer apparel industry, Marketing decision-making, Financial analysis techniques, Pricing offers and counter-offers, Retail trade channels.


Michael T. Manion, College of Business, Economics, and Computing, University of Wisconsin – Parkside, 900 Wood Road, P. O. Box 2000, Kenosha, WI 53141-2000.

Email: Phone: 262-308-7373

Kim Hamel and Her 90-Day Plan

Dawn E. Chandler, Queens University of Charlotte

Steven Cox, Queens University of Charlotte


Kim Hamel was a high-achieving female law enforcement agent who had recently been promoted to a lieutenant’s role, one of the highest-ranking positions in her department. She was only the second female in the department’s history, nearly 100 years, to achieve the rank. While she had been employed with the department for over 20 years, she knew that everyone would be watching her closely in the role, forming impressions immediately about her ability to lead and impact change in the City and the force. Having heard about the notion of a 90-day plan of key activities to undertake in order to positively influence impressions and secure early wins and legitimacy and credibility, Kim begin to muse over creating one. What were the key things she needed to do in the first 90 days of her new job to ensure lasting success in it? Who should she seek to influence and how? What activities were the more crucial to the plan?

Learning Objectives

In completing this assignment, students should be able to:

  1. Recognize the importance of early career transitions actions on later ability to succeed in a role.

  2. Create a career development transition plan that includes a number of relevant considerations, including leadership approach, relationship building and management, gender issues, learning, and gaining power and influence.

  3. Identify gender barriers and challenges that need to be accounted for in a 90-day plan.

  4. Apply the notion of a 90-day plan to a position of interest to them.


The case is appropriate for upper-level undergraduate courses in organizational behavior, principles of management, career development, leadership, and gender and diversity.

Critical Incident Summary
Issam Ghazzawi, University of La Verne

Tahil Sharma, University of La Verne

This critical incident describes a conflict of a long haul truck driver-a devoted Sikh, when was pulled over by police officers in Pike County, Mississippi as he was driving with a flat tire. He was subjected to a series of degrading remarks and events because of his minority faith and ethnicity. Mr. Singh wore a turban and carried a kirpan, a small spiritual sword (Ceremonial sword), as an article of faith to remind Sikhs of their obligations to justice.

When he returned to Mississippi for his court date, the Judge ejected him because he did not like Mr. Singh's turban. Moreover, ACLU attorneys asserted that because of Mr. Singh’s refusal to remove his turban, he was forced to wait several hours before he was allowed in the courtroom to plead guilty and pay a fine. The U.S. Department of Justice intervened, investigated the case, and offered to close its federal investigation if Pike County revised its nondiscrimination policy and implement sensitivity training. The Pike County Board of Supervisors met to decide what to do.
Learning Objectives

At the completion of this case, the student will be able to:

1. Understand, define, and explain the subject of religious freedom and challenges that face diversity in the workplace.

2. Understand the subjects of ethics, justice, and fair treatment at work.

3. Define and explain the US Civil Rights Act and other anti-discrimination legislation.

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