M. E. Kress Dept of Physics & Astronomy

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The Otway Massif Strewn Field:
Low-altitude, low-velocity breakup of parent body

M.E. Kress

Dept. of Physics & Astronomy

San Jose State University

San Jose, California 95192-0106


K.C. Welten

Space Sciences Laboratory

University of California, Berkeley
R. Carter

Dept. of Physics

University of Oregon
P.S. Jandir

Dept. of Physics

University of California, Davis
G.K. Benedix

Natural History Museum of London

J. Schutt
R.P. Harvey

Dept. of Geological Sciences

Case Western Reserve University


Write this part last.

1. Introduction: discovery of strewn field, data, condition of meteorites
In January 2004, the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) recovered 83 meteorites from an elliptical area roughly 1.6 km x 0.2 km from a blue ice area at the southern edge of the Otway Massif (85.5oS, 171.5oW), the largest nunatak in the Grosvenor Mountains, Antarctica. The 1985-86 ANSMET field party first discovered meteorites in this area and recognized them to be part of a larger strewn field. They collected GRO 85203 at the time, which has been classified as an H5 chondrite (references).

(Need to say something about the H5/L5 classification confusion issue?)

There was a slight dispersion of the fragments perpendicular to the long axis of the field, possibly attributable to a small amount of ice movement since the fall.

The condition of these meteorites, paired with GRO 03001, was unusual in that none were extensively fusion crusted. Most had only a small spot of fusion crust, and the largest fragments showed extensive cracks (see Figures 1 and 2). Also, they all have a shiny patina, which resembled wind polish, secondary fusion crust, or chemical weathering.

The fragments range in size from 29 kg to ~15 g. They were arranged in a classic strewn field pattern, with the large fragments (>1 kg) concentrated at one end (see Figure 3). The smallest specimens were found evenly dispersed among the larger ones, indicating that they are probably chips that had weathered off since the fall. There were relatively few fragments whose mass was less than 100 g, most likely due to removal by wind, which is most effective for fragments smaller than about 100 g. Many of the fragments are large enough to rule out substantial post-fall sorting by wind alone. The smallest original fragments would have been quickly removed by wind.
The meteorites’s lack of fusion crust strongly suggested a low-velocity break-up of the parent object, while their positions indicated enough post break-up time-of-flight to cause aerodynamic size-sorting of the fragments over a 1.6 km-long region. We have modeled the post-breakup flight of the meteorites to determine whether it is possible that a break-up at a velocity too slow to produce fusion crust could still produce an aerodynamically-sorted strewn field.
Table 1 shows the positions and masses of all of the meteorites that have been paired with GRO 03001.
We show that the low velocity required to not form fusion crust is still sufficient to aerodynamically sort the fragments into a 1.7-km long field.
2. Classification of the Otway Massif strewn field meteorites and the wind polish issue – Gretchen and John
3. Physics of the meteor – Robbie and Pawandeep
We used MatLab to model the post-breakup flight of the meteor fragments as a simple projectile motion problem with aerodynamic drag. At the moment of breakup, the particles all have the same velocity, and are modeled as rough spheres. The air temperature is XX and the pressure is XX.
We used the positions of the fragments (Fig. 5) to constrain the model parameters: breakup altitude h, entry angle , breakup velocity v, and drag coefficient CD.
Need basic equations of motion here.
Need the accuracy of the GPS positions.
A good representative figure for the model results.

4. Geochronology – Kees

5. Discussion
Conservative values for the physical parameters of the projectile motion model (drag coefficient, entry angle, break-up velocity, and break-up altitude) give good qualitative agreement with meteorite positions: they fell where they were found. The intact arrangement of the strewn field suggests that either the fall is relatively recent (reference MetSoc poster) compared to the terrestrial ages of Antarctic meteorites (25-65 kyr), or the ice motion in the area has been stagnant for tens of thousands of years.
6. Conclusions
The meteorites collected from the Otway massif area of the Grosvenor Mountains represent a novel type of strewn field, one in which the parent body apparently broke apart at a low altitude and low velocity, shortly before it hit the ground. This scenario can be reproduced with a conservative projectile motion model of rough spheres subjected to air resistance.
The arrangement of the strewn field indicates that there has been minimal ice movement in the are aince the fall. Given the terrestrial age we determined for these meteorites (fairly high??), we conclude that the ice motion in this area has been relatively stagnant.

MEK’s research program is supported by the NASA Astrobiology Institute’s Virtual Planetary Laboratory. PSJ and RC were awarded summer internships through the NSF’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (2007 and 2008). The 2003-04 ANSMET Reconnaissance Team collected the meteorites at the Otway Massif: J.Schutt, G.Benedix, M.Kress, C.Cokinos, and E.Eschholtz, and was supported via grants to RPH from NASA and the NSF. Thanks also to A. Garcia for assistance with the MatLab calculations.

1. Ceplecha et al (1998) Space Science Reviews 84:327–471.

2. NASA Glenn Research Center: Stagnation Temperature Calculator http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/BGH/stagtmp.html

3. E.J. Opik. Physics of Meteor Flight in the Atmosphere. New York, New York: Interscience Publishers INC,1958

4. J.D. Anderson Jr. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics; Second Edition. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill INC, 1991

Figure 1. GRO 03031 (0.78 kg) and GRO 03003 (10.6 kg). These are among the larger fragments recovered from the Otway Massif Strewn Field. Note the small amount of fusion crust, irregular edges, extensive cracks and shiny patina remniscent of wind polish, chemical weathering or secondary fusion crust. Given the shape and relatively fresh fracture surface of the object on the left, the meteorites shown in this image likely fell as a single object and broke apart after the fall.

Figure 2. GRO 03002 (28 kg). This meteorite shows extensive cracks that pervade the larger meteorites.

Figure 3. The Otway Massif Strewn Field (J. Schutt in foreground).

Figure 4. An exaggerated relief map of the strewn field, showing the positions and masses of the fragments recovered. The region was virtually flat, as shown in Figure 3). (Need a legend as to what elevations are shown with the colors and contour lines here).

Figure 4. Model results for meteorite positions after breakup of the parent body. The x axis should be labeled so that the largest fragment is at x = 0 and all others are relative to that.

Table 1: A list of all of the meteorites that are paired with GRO 03001.
Name Mass Latitude Longitude

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