Monday, March 10, 2014 – media notified
The regular meeting was called to order by John Zaccardelli at 7:00 pm.
R/C Zaccardelli-present; Schweikert-present; Barrett-present; Fiscal Officer Gale-present.
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
Mr. Barrett moved to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the February 10, 2014 regular meeting. Seconded by Mr. Zaccardelli. R/C Vote: Zaccardelli-aye;
Barrett-aye; Schweikert-aye.
Mr. Barrett moved to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the February 20, 2014 special meeting. Seconded by Mr. Zaccardelli. R/C Vote: Zaccardelli-aye;
Barrett-aye; Schweikert-aye.
Mr. Barrett moved to approve the Pending Warrant Report dated February 2014 in the amount of $284,333.63. Seconded by Mr. Schweikert. R/C Vote: Zaccardelli-aye; Barrett-aye;
Mr. Barrett made a motion in the form of a resolution to support and participate in the Brandywine Creek Watershed Balanced Growth Plan. There was no second to Mr. Barrett’s motion. Mr. Zaccardelli said, “The motion dies for lack of a second”.
Mr. Schweikert moved to ADOPT RESOLUTION 14-28 to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the Summit Soil and Water Conservation District to encourage cooperation towards the attainment of environmental stewardship including but not limited to the goals in the community’s national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) Phase II municipal storm water permit. Seconded by Mr. Zaccardelli. R/C Vote: Zaccardelli-aye;
Schweikert-aye; Barrett-aye.
Mr. Barrett moved to ADOPT RESOLUTION 14-29 a “Then and Now Certificate” for the road department for Cargill Salt. Seconded by Mr. Schweikert. R/C Vote: Schweikert-aye; Barrett-aye; Zaccardelli-aye.
Mr. Zaccardelli moved to ADOPT RESOLUTION 14-30 authorizing the approval and adoption of the Summit County Hazard Mitigation Plan, for the executives department of law, insurance and risk management division of public safety/emergency management agency and declaring as emergency. Seconded by Mr. Barrett. R/C Vote: Barrett-aye; Zaccardelli-aye; Schweikert-aye.
Mr. Barrett moved to ADOPT RESOLUTION 14-31 to authorize employment of temporary employees for the park and road departments for the 2014 summer season.
Seconded by Mr. Schweikert. R/C Vote: Schweikert-aye; Barrett-aye; Zaccardelli-aye.
Mr. Schweikert moved to ADOPT RESOLUTION 14-32 to transfer monies from the Road and Bridge Fund to the Permissive Motor Vehicle Fund. Seconded by Mr. Zaccardelli. R/C Vote: Zaccardelli-aye; Schweikert-aye; Barrett-aye.
Police Department - Report
Mr. Schweikert reported on the statistics for February 2014: Dispatch handled 791 calls for service and handed out 686 "Patrolled Your Area Cards".
The Investigative Section received twenty-one (21) investigations and closed all but four (4) of them, two (2) were closed by arrest.
The Department received two (2) letters from residents praising members of the Department for their dedication to duty.
Two supervisors attended two eight (8) hour classes, one (1) on Management’s Rights and one (1) on Discipline and Termination.
Mr. Schweikert referenced an article in the March 2014 edition of the Cleveland Magazine about the Brothel in Bedford and commended Sergeant Rice and Detective Miavitz on their involvement in the case. Sergeant Rice, Detective Miavitz and Detective Piekarski were also commended on a case where a resident was threatened by a convicted felon.
Detective Miavitz just obtained a $7,000.00 grant for computers.
Roads & Park - Report
Mr. Barrett:
Plowed and salted roads, cleaned and greased trucks, worked on brake line on 634, repaired drive axles on 634, took out radios and lights on Explorer and Expedition, repaired starting problem on 634, cold patched holes, moved snow piles in intersections, fixed mail boxes, cleaned garage drains and fixed exhaust vents and pushed salt into shed.
Truck 634 was sent out and had a new transmission put in place. When the truck was returned, two drive shafts broke. It would have cost another $3,500 to $4,500 to send the truck out again to be repaired. Bill and Jake fixed the drive shafts at a cost of $700.00. Mr. Barrett said this is just one example of how valuable Bill and Jake are as Sagamore Hills Township employees.
Fire/EMS - Report
Mr. Barrett.
Fire District answered 136 calls for February 2014. Northfield Center 34 EMS and 8 fire; Sagamore Hills 73 EMS and15 fire. Total alarms year-to-date is 257. Total calls for 2013 at the end of February are 264. The average response time for Sagamore Hills was 5.15 and Northfield Center was 4.99.
Fire hydrant flushing will begin in April and the fire district will be painting 700 hydrants in both townships.
Mr. Zaccardelli reported five permits were pulled in the last thirty days since our last meeting for a total of $545.00. Two permits were denied and one will be going to the BZA.
The Fiscal Officer's February 2014 starting adjust balance began with $5,166,304.60 PLUS receipts of $269,363.15 MINUS expenditures of $284,333.63 (which matches pending warrant report as read by Mr. Zaccardelli). The ending balance for February 2014 is $5,151,334.12.
Trustee Reports:
Mr. Schweikert spoke to Tim Boley and he mentioned bike and hike work. Mr. Schweikert asked the board if they had made any requests for bike and hike work. Dave Smith said there was supposedly a request made to his office to look into providing some additional signage for the bike and hike trails across township roads. There is no record of this request.
Mr. Schweikert said he had an inquiry regarding our township population. There are 10,947 residents in Sagamore Hills.
Mr. Schweikert and Mr. Zaccardelli went to the Summit County Township Association meeting last Tuesday, March 4, 2014. Mr. Hunter Morrison from the Northeast Ohio Sustainable Communities Consortium (Vibrant NEO) spoke. Basically they are a non-profit organization that would like to override our zoning. Mr. Schweikert and Mr. Zaccardelli both believe we should have nothing to do with this organization.
Mr. Schweikert, Mr. Barrett and Mr. Zaccardelli are working on a recycling grant of between $4,000 and $5,000. Mr. Schweikert said the trustees need to make sure that Dave DeMassino is in charge of the recycling bins for twenty minutes in the morning and twenty minutes at the end of the day.
It was suggested by the trustees that the boot allowance for the part time summer help be increased from $50.00 to $70.00 for safety boots.
Due to the weather conditions, Mr. Barrett said the clothing allowance for full time road department personnel should be increased to $150.00/each. Mr. Schweikert said a receipt should be obtained for all purchases.
Mr. Barrett made a motion to AMEND RESOLUTION 14-01 for a clothing allowance in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per year for full time road employees. A receipt showing proof of purchase must be given to the Fiscal Officer within 30 days after purchase. Part time summer help to receive a one-time payment of up to Seventy Dollars ($70.00) for steel toe boots. Seconded by Mr. Schweikert. R/C Vote: Zaccardelli-aye; Barrett-aye; Schweikert-aye.
Mr. Barrett mentioned a notice he received from the park system regarding a Habitat course in Brecksville, and thought this might be something some of our residents might be interested in. The township could possibly sponsor five or six people to attend. The cost is $40.00. Before acting upon this, we could see whether anyone would be interested.
Mr. Zaccardelli reported First Energy is done cutting for right now. They will be back when the greens start coming up and spray with an herbicide. They will let us know what the herbicide will be. They will probably pull the wires through in mid to late summer and be fully functional by June 2015.
Mr. Zaccardelli announced there will be a box truck from Simple Recycling at the township parking lot on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 12:00 noon until 2:00 p.m. to collect throw-away textiles. These are items that you would not give away or donate, but items that you would normally throw away in the rubbish. You may start dropping off items at 10:00 a.m. on the 26th of April. The township will receive $20.00 per ton.
On Saturday, April 26th from 9-11 a.m. there will be a scrap tire collection at 1201 Graham Road in Stow, Ohio. Saturday, July 12th is shredding day at Macedonia City Hall. The Household Hazardous Waste Recycling center will be open June 5th through September 25th on Thursdays from 2-8 p.m.
Mr. Barrett asked Dave Smith whether we were getting ready for the final phase of the Springs Streets project. Dave said they would not start until the beginning of April.
Mr. Zaccardelli reported there are thirteen people on Lifeline.
Carol Lewis, 9634 Olde Eight, asked the trustees to consider modifying the motion for the clothing allowance as discussed earlier in the meeting. Ms. Lewis suggested including safety glasses, hats, gloves, etc. Mr. Schweikert assured Ms. Lewis the road department personnel already has these items.
Gary Spriggs, 8588 Eaton Drive, said the property manager of Eaton Estates was notified by Jeff Snell regarding the trimming of trees in Eaton Estates. Mr. Spriggs informed Mr. Snell that any trees in the right-of-way have always been the township’s responsibility. Mr. Zaccardelli said residents are upset about the trimming of trees by First Energy, and feels as a courtesy the residents should be notified when trees are being trimmed.
Mr. Barrett reviewed the website report.
Mr. Schweikert mentioned at the April meeting he would like to recognize four students with proclamations that made the wrestling state finals. The board agreed.
There was no further business. Mr. Barrett moved to adjourn at 7:43 p.m.
Seconded by Mr. Zaccardelli. R/C Vote: Zaccardelli-aye; Barrett-aye; Schweikert-aye.
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