San José State University Social Science/Psychology Psych 175, Management Psychology, Section 1, Spring 2014

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San José State University
Social Science/Psychology
Psych 175, Management Psychology, Section 1, Spring 2014


Harriet Pila

Office Location:

DMH 242


(408) (569-6074)


Office Hours:

8:45-9:45pm Monday and Wednesday

Class Days/Time:

Wednesday 6 pm - 8:45 pm


DMH 160


Psychology 1, General Psychology; and Statistics 95, Elementary statistics.

Faculty Web Page and MYSJSU Messaging

Course materials such as syllabus, handouts, notes, assignment instructions, etc. can be found on my faculty web page at You are responsible for regularly checking with the messaging system through MySJSU to learn any updates.

PSYCHOLOGY 175: Management Psychology


Interpersonal effectiveness is about understanding and managing behavior. This course will focus on management behavior and your own behavior in the work or school environment. It is important to understand relationships in the working environment for the success of individuals and for the ultimate contributions to the business bottom line. The key to this course is to ensure you have the understanding and skills to be successful in today’s organizations. We will focus on mastering the understanding of human relations.

Learning Outcomes and Key Objectives

You will learn how to manage stress, change and personal problems. You will understand how to work with diverse groups of people. You will understand how to conduct conflict resolution and the importance of effective confrontation skills. You will also understand the importance of ethics in the work environment. We will also cover the importance of leadership and what makes someone a successful leader. Individuals will understand the difference between leadership and management. We will also learn how to identify skills, motivate, develop and persuade others.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

manage stress, change and personal problems

CLO2 (understand how to conduct conflict resolution and the importance of effective confrontation skills.

CL03 will also understand the importance of ethics in the work environment.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Upon successful completion of the psychology major requirements

Knowledge Base of Psychology – Students will be able to identify, describe, and communicate the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.

Research Methods in Psychology – Students will be able to design, implement, and communicate basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretations.

Critical Thinking Skills in Psychology – Students will be able to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and a scientific approach to address issues related to behavior and mental processes.

Application of Psychology – Students will be able to apply psychological principles to individual, interpersonal, group, and societal issues.

Values in Psychology – Students will value empirical evidence, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and recognize their role and responsibility as a member of society.


I work at Cisco Systems as a change consultant. If you would like to see me at a time, other than my office hours, please let me know during or immediately after class; I can then arrange a time for a conference. My office location is 242 DMH. My phone is 408-569-6074. My email address is


There is one required text, available at the bookstore or you can order it on line. The book is called Human Relations in Business: Developing Interpersonal and Leadership Skills. Authors: Michael Aamodt and Bobbie Raynes. You will need to bring this book with you to class every week.

Definition of a Credit Hour

Success in this course is based on the expectation that students will spend, for each unit of credit, a minimum of forty-five hours over the length of the course (normally 3 hours per unit per week with 1 of the hours used for lecture) for instruction or preparation/studying or course related activities including but not limited to internships, labs, clinical practical. Other course structures will have equivalent workload expectations as described in the syllabus.

As an example, the expectation of work for a 3-credit course is 150-minutes of direct faculty instruction and six hours of out-of-class student work each week.


Our focus will be three fold. We will look at managing yourself, working successfully with others and managing others. This course will provide you with an overview of managing human relations in the workplace. We will explore how psychologists can help management improve the workplace for the individual, the group, and the organization.


Information is presented both in the classroom and throughout the text. Classroom meetings will be in a lecture/discussion format regarding the important materials to be learned. I will not make an attempt to cover all aspects of the text. Rather, I will focus on difficult areas, particularly interesting areas, or on topics of special interest. While class meetings are relatively structured lectures, there is a substantial amount of class time set aside for discussions, questions and answers. Students are encouraged to participate in class and group discussions. We will also spend numerous class periods focused on group work in solving work related management issues.


Students are expected to fulfill these obligations: 1) participate in class discussion, 2) take all exams, 3) Participate on a team project 4) fulfill the writing requirement by completing

Exams: There will be three examinations given through the semester. These exams will consist of approximately 60 multiple-choice items. Students are expected to arrive in class on time, equipped with two No. 2 pencils and a scantron. The items will come from the text and material covered in class.

Test items will assess knowledge of the assigned reading material and class presentations on the following dimensions:

1. Factual information (e.g., knowledge of key terms, methods, research outcomes, theoretical hypotheses and interpretation of research outcomes);

2. Conceptual knowledge (i.e., understanding of the methods, research and theory covered);

3. Actual and/potential "real life" applications of the methods, concepts and principles covered in the course.
Make-Up Exam Policy.

1. In a very real sense, the evaluation procedures used as the basis for assigning grades in any course, are only as fair as those evaluation procedures are uniform. Such uniformity is diminished when some students take the course exams on days other than on those days when the exam is administered to the rest of the class. Just the fact that some students thus have more time to prepare for the exam than do others, creates a situation in which the evaluation procedure may be viewed as inherently unfair.

2. In the interests of maximizing uniformity of the test administration, in fairness to all students in the class who take their exams as scheduled in spite of what are often very difficult and unforeseen life circumstances, the following policy will be implemented:

(1) The safest assumption here is that there will be no make-up exams given for any missed exams.

(2) Make-up exams for any exams will be given only under the most extraordinary of circumstances, upon approval by the instructor of a typewritten petition with convincingly official supporting documentation attached (e.g., a letter from a medical doctor testifying that the student was incapable of attending class on the day the exam was scheduled).

(3) Without the instructor's approval of a petition as described above, a missed exam will be scored as a zero in tabulating the point total on which the student's grade in the course will be based.

(4) If the documented petition is approved by the instructor, the student will be expected to take the exam(s) s/he missed immediately after taking Final on the day and at the time announced for the final exam in this class in the Schedule Of Classes published by the University for the semester in which the course is being taken.


    1. There are a lot of different ways to try to learn things. Learning by doing is among the most effective ways of developing a lasting, working knowledge and understanding of whatever it is that we're trying-to learn. Each team will be given a case study that they must be able to identify 3 problem areas and should utilize the research to solve the presented identified problems. A 20 minute class presentation will be performed by each team.

    2. The purpose of this requirement is to give the student an opportunity to develop just such a lasting working knowledge and understanding of particular aspects of management psychology as a social science.

    3. The writing requirement will need to be written up in APA format. Students will write-up a proposal as if they are getting ready to solve one of the problems in their case studies for a company. A handout will be distributed during the second week of the course that can be followed in order to produce an appropriate proposal. An example will be discussed in class. An outline will be given to students the third week of class. All papers will be loaded up by the student into for grading and academic integrity review. More information regarding this will follow in the syllabus.

Assignments and Grading Policy

A. Letter Grades

1. Assignment of final letter grades in the course will be based on the total number of points accumulated on the three counted course exams, with completion of the team project, individual writing requirement for the team project and extra credit assignments counted as bonus points.

Correspondingly, the cutoff point totals for final letter grades in the course will be as follows:

3 exams at 60 points possible each 180 Total

Team Analysis Project 100 Total

Individual Analysis Supporting Paper 100 Total

Assignments for class 120 Total

500 total

A 450 - 500

B 400 - 449

C 350 - 399 D 300 - 349

F 348 and below

University Policies

Dropping and Adding

Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. Refer to the current semester’s Catalog Policies section at Add/drop deadlines can be found on the current academic year calendars document on the Academic Calendars webpage at The Late Drop Policy is available at Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for dropping classes.

Information about the latest changes and news is available at the Advising Hub at

Consent for Recording of Class and Public Sharing of Instructor Material

University Policy S12-7,, requires students to obtain instructor’s permission to record the course.

  • “Common courtesy and professional behavior dictate that you notify someone when you are recording him/her. You must obtain the instructor’s permission to make audio or video recordings in this class. Such permission allows the recordings to be used for your private, study purposes only. The recordings are the intellectual property of the instructor; you have not been given any rights to reproduce or distribute the material.”

    • It is suggested that the greensheet include the instructor’s process for granting permission, whether in writing or orally and whether for the whole semester or on a class by class basis.

    • In classes where active participation of students or guests may be on the recording, permission of those students or guests should be obtained as well.

  • “Course material developed by the instructor is the intellectual property of the instructor and cannot be shared publicly without his/her approval. You may not publicly share or upload instructor generated material for this course such as exam questions, lecture notes, or homework solutions without instructor consent.”

Academic integrity

Your commitment as a student to learning is evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University. The University Academic Integrity Policy S07-2 at requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The Student Conduct and Ethical Development website is available at

Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another person’s ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include your assignment or any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that SJSU’s Academic Integrity Policy S07-2 requires approval of instructors.

Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 at requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at to establish a record of their disability.

Student Technology Resources (Optional)

Computer labs for student use are available in the Academic Success Center at located on the 1st floor of Clark Hall and in the Associated Students Lab on the 2nd floor of the Student Union. Additional computer labs may be available in your department/college. Computers are also available in the Martin Luther King Library.

A wide variety of audio-visual equipment is available for student checkout from Media Services located in IRC 112. These items include DV and HD digital camcorders; digital still cameras; video, slide and overhead projectors; DVD, CD, and audiotape players; sound systems, wireless microphones, projection screens and monitors.

SJSU Peer Connections (Optional)

Peer Connections, a campus-wide resource for mentoring and tutoring, strives to inspire students to develop their potential as independent learners while they learn to successfully navigate through their university experience. You are encouraged to take advantage of their services which include course-content based tutoring, enhanced study and time management skills, more effective critical thinking strategies, decision making and problem-solving abilities, and campus resource referrals.

In addition to offering small group, individual, and drop-in tutoring for a number of undergraduate courses, consultation with mentors is available on a drop-in or by appointment basis. Workshops are offered on a wide variety of topics including preparing for the Writing Skills Test (WST), improving your learning and memory, alleviating procrastination, surviving your first semester at SJSU, and other related topics. A computer lab and study space are also available for student use in Room 600 of Student Services Center (SSC).
Peer Connections is located in three locations: SSC, Room 600 (10th Street Garage on the corner of 10th and San Fernando Street), at the 1st floor entrance of Clark Hall, and in the Living Learning Center (LLC) in Campus Village Housing Building B. Visit Peer Connections website at for more information.

SJSU Writing Center (Optional)

The SJSU Writing Center is located in Clark Hall, Suite 126. All Writing Specialists have gone through a rigorous hiring process, and they are well trained to assist all students at all levels within all disciplines to become better writers. In addition to one-on-one tutoring services, the Writing Center also offers workshops every semester on a variety of writing topics. To make an appointment or to refer to the numerous online resources offered through the Writing Center, visit the Writing Center website at For additional resources and updated information, follow the Writing Center on Twitter and become a fan of the SJSU Writing Center on Facebook. (Note: You need to have a QR Reader to scan this code.)

SJSU Counseling Services (Optional)

The SJSU Counseling Services is located on the corner of 7th Street and San Fernando Street, in Room 201, Administration Building. Professional psychologists, social workers, and counselors are available to provide consultations on issues of student mental health, campus climate or psychological and academic issues on an individual, couple, or group basis. To schedule an appointment or learn more information, visit Counseling Services website at

Paper diagnosing the problem
The general purpose of this paper is to give you the experience of diagnosing the problems of an organization and recommending an appropriate intervention strategy.

General Requirements:

  1. Utilize your case study and analyze the questions. Describe both the strengths and weaknesses, as well as any problems that might be solved. You must decide what problem you will focus on.

  2. After the problem has been thoroughly described, recommend an intervention strategy that incorporates one or more of the management interventions you discover through the research. Your intervention strategy should be appropriate, given the discovered problem area. It should also show that you have a good understanding of the intervention you are recommending (i.e., back up your plans with citations from at least 5 empirical articles).

  3. The paper should be at least 6 double-spaced typewritten pages and follow APA format.

  4. In addition to the regular paper, you will be required to include an “executive summary.” This is a one-page summary of the main points of your paper written in language a high school graduate could understand. This is just to get you prepared for the “real world” where you will be writing for managers who are not familiar with behavioral science jargon. Executive summaries belong at the beginning of your document (immediately after the eye-catching title page).

  • APA style

  • Use your existing case study

  • Research should involve solutions

  • No more no less than 6 pages

  • At least 5 current citations 2003 and beyond

  • Load paper into

  • I will grade on line

Additional Guidelines for your Paper


( or

Do NOT forget:

  1. Make a second hard copy of your paper (in addition to more than one copy of the paper on disk (e.g. a copy on a hard disk and a floppy disk back-up)

  2. To turn in your paper by the deadline The “postmark” is the date and time, not merely the date. We will be utilizing

Specific Points

  1. Proofread – spell-check does not catch errors, such as “tot he,” when you intended to write “to the.” I encourage students to have someone else read over your work prior to handing it in. Failure to proofread creates, in the mind of the professor, a general negative impression of the paper.

  2. Provide definition for uncommon words and phrases. A citation from someone else is most appropriate here (as long as you give credit, where credit is due). Do not think the professor knows it all or that he or she is the only one who will one day read your paper.

  3. Be careful when using the words “study versus experiment”.

  4. Be careful with using the words “true and proven.” A theory or hypothesis can never be “true” or “proven,” rather they can be “supported” or “disconfirmed.” Null hypotheses, however can be rejected.

  5. Be careful with the use of the words “cause or effect;” you will read about correlations more often than about causal relations, as they are harder to support.

  6. Numbers below 10 are spelled out (e.g., “nine”). However, sentences should always begin with numbers spelled out (e.g., “Nine hundred fifty-six students responded to the survey.”)

  7. Do not use direct verbatim quotes except when absolutely necessary, which should be rare. Typically one should paraphrase what was written and give credit to whoever wrote it.

  8. Only the last name of authors should be used. Even when stating that “So and so wrote …” be sure to write only the last name followed immediately by the year (in parentheses).

  9. Note that “e.g.” means “for example” and “i.e.” means “that is.” Use them appropriately.

  10. Paper will need to be uploaded into no later than May 7th, 2014.

Format Notes for Paper

Every page should be numbered

Header on every page

Text should be left justified

Paragraphs are indented 5 spaces (1 default tab)

12 point font; Times New Roman or Arial (not bold or italicized)

1-inch margins all around

Double space (for client single or 1.5 space)

Consult APA manual (5th ed.)

Grammar and spell check

Informative Cover Page (Name of Client’s Company, Title for report, date, your names)

Format Notes for Executive Summary
1st page after cover page

No page number necessary

Single spacing is acceptable, double space between paragraphs (unless indenting paragraphs)

12 to 14 point font is acceptable

Times New Roman or Arial is acceptable (do not italicize or bold)

No less than .5 inch margins (border around text is acceptable)

Grammar and spell check (this is the first and possibly the only text an executive will read)

2 Web Resources on Writing an Executive Summary

PEER GROUP EVALUATION (Submit completed form to instructor).
In rating yourself and your peers, provide a percentage within the range you feel describes each teammates’ contribution.

90-100% = Superior; 80-89% = Above Average;
70-79% = Average; < 70% = below average/weak

Insert your name in the first column and your peers’ names in the remaining spaces (one name at the top of each column).







Reliable for meetings (Were they on time for meetings, did they show up for meetings)?

Participated in group discussions or meetings






Reliable with meeting deadlines for work in progress and final project

Helped keep the group focused on the task






Contributed useful ideas to the group






Respects each group member's opinions

Contributes his/her share to discussions

This person took an active role in helping to complete the project

Knowledgeable about assignments and her/his role and fulfills that role

Quantity of work done






Quality of work done







Enter total average of all scores






Don't base your evaluations on friendship or personality conflicts. Your input can be a valuable indicator to help assess contributions in a fair manner. THESE EVALUATIONS WILL NOT BE SEEN BY YOUR GROUP MEMBERS. Include extra notes here:

Psych 175/IO Psychology, Spring 2014, Course Schedule

This schedule is subject to change with fair notice by email with updates if necessary.



Topics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines

January 29

In class: Semester preparation

Homework: Read Chapter 1 Your 3 Goals in 1 year(3)/ 3 years(3)/5(3)years


February 5

In class: Semester preparation

Homework: Read Chapter 1 and 2

Your 3 Goals in 1 year(3)/ 3 years(3)/5(3)years 10 point quiz on syllabus


February 12

In Class: Understanding Yourself And Others. Chapter 1

Managing Stress To Meet The Demands Of Life And Work Chapter 2

Due: goal setting assignment

Homework Read Chapter 3

Review case studies

Assignment also given in class


February 19

In Class:

Managing Time And Demands Chapter 3

Discussion on case studies

Groups will be randomly selected in this class Review case studies

Assignment also given in class. Work on Group projects. Put together list of issues and problems within your group case studies. Need to have your team name mission and goals by Feb 26.


February 26

In Class: Chapter 4

Homework study for your exam


March 5

In Class: Exam 1 Chapters 1-4 60 questions

Homework : read Chapter 5 and 6 and assignment TBD


March 12

In Class: Understanding The Diverse Nature Of Others. Chapter 5

Working With Difficult People In Difficult Situations

Chapter 6
Homework: 10 point assignment due in class next week


March 19

In Class: Understanding Interpersonal And Organizational Communication Chapter 7 Understanding Group Interaction Chapter 8 Assignment TBD


March 26

Spring Break No class enjoy your time off


April 2

Exam 2 chapter 5-8 60 pts multiple choice

Homework: read chapter 9 and 10

Assignment TBD


April 9

In Class: Getting Other People To Like Us Chapter 9

Understanding and Applying Leadership Skills Chapter 10

10 point assignment due in class tonight

Individual Outline for paper due here 10 points


April 16

In Class: In class: Employee Satisfaction Chapter 11

10 point assignment due in class tonight

Presentation outline


April 23

Motivating Others Chapter 12

10 point assignment due in class tonight


April 30

Exam 3 Chapters 9-12 on line : Homework: TBD due next week


May 7

Group assignments in class Prepare to stay until the end of class. You must be present to grade other presentations.

May 7

Paper due to by 11:59pm

Group evaluation due in class tonight!!!

Psychology 175 Spring 2014

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