Tilte : a critical examination of the police relations with bbc

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Tilte : A critical examination of the police relations with BBC Crimewatch UK programme in Britain

By Changwon Pyo, Ph.D.

Director, Department of Public Administration

Korea National Police University


Media violence has long been subject to the academic as well as public interest and concern alike. The increasing number of factual television programmes showing details of actual crime as it happens and the police chases of criminals, since the 1980s, added even more controversies. One of the new type of such factual crime-police programmes is the so-called ‘crime re-enactment or reconstruction’ programmes which show details of unsolved serious cases with the help of the police appealing for witnesses. In Britain, since the BBC Crimewatch UK programme was launched in 1984, several regional Independent television companies started to make similar programmes such as Crime Monthly, Crime Stalker and Crimestoppers stimulated by the success of Crimewatch in terms of attracting a large audience. These programmes have regularly aroused criticisms for the voyeuristic element and possible effect on the public fear of crime1. The format originated from Germany (Schlesinger and Tumber, 1994), and again, has been spread to other countries such as the United States, the Netherlands(Nelson, 1989), Finland, Russia and Korea2. Despite the huge public interest, though, there has little academic research been done about how the programme is made and presented, and what social implications these programme have.

One of the most important ingredients of these programmes is the police. The police provide these programmes with the information about criminal cases, police officers and equipment. From the viewpoint of the police, these programmes can be a very useful tool in terms not only of solving crime but of getting important messages across. The active co-operation of the police in the making of these television programmes, especially Crimewatch UK, is unprecedented. Research results suggest that, generally, the police have a critical view of the media as seeking bad stories about the police(Reiner, 1992; Schelesinger & Tumber, 1994; Crandon, 1990).

This article examines the police relations with the national programme, BBC’s Crimewatch UK from the viewpoints of both media studies and police studies. Through extensive interviews3 with more than 60 people involved in the making of these programmes such as the police press and CID officers and Crimewatch programme-makers, and the inspection of relevant documentation, this research aims to find answer to the question of what relationship the police have with this programme.

Approval and Support by ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers)

Before embarking on the regular broadcasting of Crimewatch UK in 1984, the BBC production team secured the approval of ACPO, which helped to ease many senior police officers’ scepticism about revealing details of unsolved cases to the public on the national television programme(Schlesinger & Tumber, 1993). The programme makers needed some sort of guarantee of police co-operation in making the programme because, otherwise the programme can not secure enough information to make a 45minute-long monthly programme, such as details of serious cases, witnesses, evidence, people close to the victims, plus the availability of more police officers, cars and other police equipment. Convinced by the huge success of the original German programme, in terms both of attracting a large audience and detecting criminals, the BBC production team suggested some pilot programmes and let ACPO judge the results. More than 30 per cent of cases shown in the pilot programmes were subsequently solved. As a result, and with the help of senior officers who believed the media could win the public support, the BBC production team succeeded in countering anti-media feeling of the senior police officers. Tony Diggins, who has been involved in the making of Crimewatch UK since the beginning, explains how the BBC production team obtained the approval of ACPO : “One of the great problems in Crimewatch being launched in this country was a reluctance in senior police officers seeing it as crime being made into entertainment, that was their interpretation of it. And I knew the original producer, a fellow called Peter Shaeffer - a regional director, and I used to go down to the programme quite often and even then it was a constant uphill battle to get ACPO to come to terms with this helping to solve crime. I think once they started seeing results like thirty or forty per cent success rate, then they became convinced of its worth. But it was an uphill battle, that’s for sure. But it is certainly a concept that is a natural conflict between an open media and a police force that naturally tends to be a bit closed to the problems...the current attitude of ACPO towards Crimewatch UK? Well, currently I think, if it is fairly generalised, it is fairly positive... I think overall that it will remain positive because they are a good source of clearing up crime.”

Superintendent David Hatcher, who has been appearing on Crimewatch UK programme as a co-presenter since it started, confirms that ACPO has always been supportive to Crimewatch UK programme : “ACPO Crime Committee were involved in the creating of the programme, the support of the notion in the early days. Since then they have very regular, very supportive standing in facilitating the programme. If the programme wants to communicate with police forces, then ACPO Crime Committee’s liaison officer who deals with the programme will certainly talk to the forces, and put the ‘seal of ACPO’ on it, if you see what I mean.”

Currently, the ACPO Crime Committee distributes the programme content of Crimewatch UK to every police force in England and Wales4 before the broadcasting, so that police forces around the country can answer the calls from Crimewatch audience and pass the information to the police forces in charge of the investigation of the cases concerned. Dai Davis, the press officer of Dyfed/Powys Police, explains how the Crimewatch UK programme content is distributed : “In ACPO, there are committees for everything. Crime Committee, Traffic Committee, Finance Committee, many committees. Mr Blanky, the Chief Constable of West Mercia, is the secretary of the Crime Committee. Now, Crimewatch is obviously crime isn’t it? So what happens is, prior to every programme Crimewatch UK sends a list of the programme content to Mr Blanky and he then sends the list to all the police forces. When he has the list, the programme is decided. He is the central point of the circulation of the programme content by Crimewatch. He has no control at all. He does not vet the programme in any way... he is only a contact for Crimewatch UK because he is the secretary for the Crime Committee.”

Some press officers assume that the Home Office or ACPO keep close contacts with Crimewatch, behind the scenes, to make it sure that the programme shows what the police want. A press officer of a force in English Midlands said : “Police input...it might be the ACPO Media Advisory Group or Home Office Police Department. They are working behind the scenes doing different things. They might make their own approaches to the programme makers. So all kind of things are going on at much higher level. We force press officers are not currently aware of what is going on between them.”

Although such a view is understandable, there is no hard evidence to support it. And, as Charles Skinner - the Head of Publicity and Corporate Services in the Home Office Police Department - indicates, such contacts appears to be limited and unsystematic : “Obviously, we don’t have any control over what the independent programme-makers want to make. We try to influence them of course, we can send them background factual information trying to encourage them to use something in it. We try to get television programmes to help...in soap operas, when we had crime prevention week a few years ago, we contacted various makers of soap operas and crime prevention posters were displayed in their scenes, and we had one of the characters in Coronation Street walking into the shop and say ‘Well, crime prevention week, you put that poster on the wall’, that’s awareness. Yes, we do that as well. Crimewatch UK? It’s different, if we do they will listen, basically, you see, there’s big difference between the crime prevention message and just reporting crime, but if we had crime prevention week, car crime prevention year, we do contact all the programmes, Crimewatch UK is one of them and they will include a piece in it, and they say in the beginning of the programme ‘This is crime prevention week...’, well, we do it, but generally speaking, it’s about a separate issue. Crimewatch has limited time and budget as any other programme, and they don’t want to eat into that time with general crime prevention messages. It’s not our time, our money and we don’t control the programme. They use police materials and information but the producer of the programme controls the programme. They say it’s more about reporting crime than about crime prevention, simple is that. The biggest problem is, Crimewatch type of programme has limited budget, and it’s about reporting crime and they don’t want to compromise that too much by crime prevention message. I contact Crimewatch UK from time to time if there is a big national campaign, that’s going to be watched by millions of people, but if you continually tell them ‘Will you cover this, will you cover that...’, they will be fed up. So, we only contact them if there is a big national campaign or the specific initiative such as arms amnesty something like that.”

As far as the attitudes of individual forces towards Crimewatch UK are concerned, as Ann Clayton of West Yorkshire Police argues, the positive and supportive attitude of ACPO towards the programme reinforces most police officers’ appreciation of the popularity and the quality of Crimewatch : “Compared with lots of other programmes, our treatment in the media, it is more supportive towards Crimewatch UK. ACPO probably would say ‘If it’s in your interest to do it, we have no objection ...’ I think it’s understandable. But it doesn’t affect us so much. If they warned us not to, it would. I think because the programme has been going so long ... it has been a part of the establishment almost, and in our experience there hasn’t been anyone who criticise it in our force.”

In other words, even though it is clear that ACPO supports Crimewatch UK programme, if the chief officer of a force or the senior officer in charge of the subject case does not risk to put a case on the programme, it will not be included. However, the effects of the ACPO’s approval of Crimewatch UK on soothing many senior officers’ negative reactions towards the idea of revealing details of the case on the national television and on enhancing police officers’ sense of security in using the programme, should not be ignored.

Different Reasons, but Common Aims

When asked what the police want to get out of participating in Crimewatch UK programme, all twenty eight press officers and seventeen CID officers interviewed said their main aim is to get information and witnesses that can help to solve cases. For Tony Diggins, Press Officer of Lincolnshire Constabulary, there can be no other reasons to use Crimewatch UK than to solve the case : “Well, you basically go along there to solve your crime, it is as easy as that. I don’t think you are doing anything else...If I were the senior investigating officer my main reason for going there would be to solve that crime. And when you are interviewed on it you perform well enough at the interview to give an impression of efficiency and effectiveness. You don’t want to look baffled, and people would say ‘No wonder you haven’t detected it because the superintendent is a gibbering wreck’”.

Figure 1 : Secondary Aims when using Crimewatch UK

However, as Figure 1 shows, more than 47 per cent of CID officers and 21 per cent of press officers said they have secondary aims in mind when putting their cases on Crimewatch UK, such as showing the public the police are doing something about crime, making the public aware of the seriousness of the problem of crime, and raising the profile of their force. For example, Sergeant David Winchester wants to raise the public image of the police as well as solve crimes by participating in Crimewatch UK programme : “In the short term, we want to solve crimes, hard crimes. In the long term, we want to get people seeing the police in the positive light, police service provides something for them...”

Carol Saunders, Press Officer of South Wales Police, argues that police officers think of the possible public relations effect of Crimewatch UK programme when they put their cases on it, even though it might not be the main aim : “There is no doubt that thoughts of PR go into it, ‘How will we be perceived on Crimewatch.’ But I don’t think it would be the priority. I don’t think we can afford to make it priority of it. I don’t think Crimewatch would accept it on these grounds any way. We may have a case we love to get on Crimewatch but, you know, it should fit within their, sort of package of it. I think that has got to be our main priority for it”.

Figure 2 shows that more than 71 per cent of press officers and 47 per cent of CID officers interviewed said they believe Crimewatch UK programme has public relations value for the police. According to PC Mike Jackson, one of the press officers of Hertfordshire Constabulary, it is worthwhile appearing on Crimewatch UK, even if it does not help to solve crime, because it shows a positive side of police investigation : “I think we like doing them because they show professionalism of the police even if it doesn’t end up catching the criminal you’re looking for. You are looking, quite in depth, at individual officers and the way they carry out the case. I think it’s important. And that’s the different type of TV from the sensationalism of running around and banging front doors, arresting people at dawn and things like that.”

Mark Pugash of Kent Police insists Crimewatch type programmes have enormous benefits in placing the police and the public together on the same side fighting against crime : “One of the advantages of such programmes as Crimewatch and Crimestoppers is to ensure that the public is working together with the police, it’s not public on one side and police on the other, we all on this together. And what we trying to do is make clear to the people that there’s nothing separates us, we are working with you, and it’s everyone’s interest to detect crime. So things like this bring police and public together, that’s very positive thing. I think benefits are enormous, absolutely enormous.”

Figure 2 : Whether Crimewatch UK has PR effects for the police

Similarly, Chris Ownick, Press Officer of Sussex Police, also admits that the police are conscious of the public relations effects of Crimewatch UK : “As far as Crimewatch is concerned, of course there is an immediate wish to solve the crime but there are background messages we have to be aware of. For instance, Crimewatch UK is enforcing important concept for police service, promoting people’s confidence of ‘the police are professionals, doing a decent job’, so it works at the sort of more general level than that of particular crime.”

Detective Chief Superintendent John McCammont of West Mercia Constabulary particularly appreciates the chance given by Crimewatch UK to promote the professional and caring image of the police : “I think the image that we want to project is always one of professionalism, confidence ... and I think there is a need to demonstrate, it sounds slightly artificial but it is important, I think, to be seen as caring in terms of victims and their family and sympathetic and empathetic to the concerned community and Crimewatch provides the opportunity for that.”

For some rural forces, as Carol Saunders indicates, Crimewatch UK offers a good opportunity to raise their national and local profiles : “I want this force to be seen as a very efficient force which is dealing with things in a very efficient way, and it’s got a high profile through Crimewatch. It does have PR value from that point of view. I think it does definitely have PR value. It gives this force a national profile. Certainly, being a Welsh force, we suffered from this image that everything stops on the west of M4. We all a bit of, sort of ‘hick’ organisation down here. It’s actually a very busy area, we’ve got four very good police forces, and we’ve got a lot to shout about. So, it’s good to get a national profile... I think it’s important that our force is recognised in the national level, I think it is vital. So, getting on to Crimewatch and having a case that attract reconstruction have, obviously, PR benefits and increase our profile nationally and locally. We try, on a national scale, to ensure our force to be seen as a force dealing with a major investigation and how we deal with it, our local people see us with national profile on a programme like Crimewatch, given the kudos, given the credibility.”

For some press officers like Susan Dean of Strathclyde, however, Crimewatch UK is not the proper programme for the police public relations : “Crimewatch UK, the thing is, we have never been in a position to think that we have to advertise how good we are on the programme, so if we have to seek such publicity out, we do it at our local level. And so what we do is, we seek proactive publicity about what we do and initiatives things like that, we have press conferences, and use Scottish newspapers. Crimewatch is specifically a crime solving programme, and therefore we don’t need to go to that for PR. When we need to seek national coverage on our wonderful scheme or interesting initiative ... we go to ‘News At Ten’.”

Mike Granatt, Press Officer of the Home Office Police Department, argues that Crimewatch UK has good public relations effect for BBC but not for the police : “We pay for television advertisement on crime prevention, safety campaign... Crimewatch is about crime detection, not prevention, it’s PR for the BBC not the police, it’s the interest of general public. We don’t use the programme for our PR purpose.”

Bob Cox, Assistant Director of Public Affairs of the London Metropolitan Police, also denies that there is any intention of public relations when using Crimewatch UK : “They are not in the image building business for the police. Don't forget that we don't make the programme, they do. We used to have a programme called ‘police Five’ ... we started that, produced by us, we provided the material, so it had some PR effect but Crimewatch and Crime Monthly ... their aim is to entertain the audience.”

PC Mel Lacey even suggests that a Crimewatch UK appearance might project a negative image of the force : “There are many ways of looking at that. If you had lots of cases on there you might be giving the impression that you live in a crime ridden area and are always having to use it. And I think if you look at it through the public’s eyes, they are more likely to think that every time it is on, there is a serious crime from this region, they will begin to think ‘Crikey, is this region a good place to be living?’ I don’t think that the public will think, because there is always a crime from this region on there that the press officer is doing a good job - I don’t think that crosses their minds.”

DI Keith Bray argues that asking the public for help on the television programme like Crimewatch UK undermines the image of professional and efficient police : “The ‘feel-good factor’ for the police is very low down in it’s agenda. It’s all about ‘we need your help’, ‘what can you do for us?’...The fly-on-the-wall type of programme is much better than Crimewatch UK to show the police work to the public because it’s far more factual.”

For some Scottish officers, like DC Jim Carroll of Lothian and Borders Police, delayed TV appeals, due to stricter regulation regarding media releases of evidence, make the police look even more inefficient : “If you are talking about cases where it is now six months or a year since a murder and we need public help in this, that and the other, some of them may think that the police are not as professional or as well equipped as they pretend to be. I think they expect in this day and age when you see Internet communications being so sophisticated they sometimes wonder why it takes the police so long to do things. Now that’s a little more difficult in Scotland than it is in England because the legal system is different here and the details, the information, that we are allowed to release about identities and details of crime is much more limited than it is in England. For instance, if we wanted to put an E-fit picture on television we would have to have the permission of the Crown Office and the Procurator Fiscal and they would not give that unless they felt that that person was a danger to the public and had to be caught quickly.”

Some police officers suggest that Crimewatch UK type of programmes, together with the media coverage of police work and crimes, have built up an atmosphere of ‘law and order politics’, which enabled the police to get more support and resources from government : “I think anytime you get police officers talking direct to the public, this influences the political debate. It is very interesting that law and order is a popular political debate both with the Conservatives and Labour now. Traditionally it used to be a Conservative issue and Labour was seen to be not very interested in law and order, but they now, they have also put it at the top of their agenda. And I think it is possibly because of all the exposure of police work and crimes. And even if there is a fear of crime, which is perhaps unjustified, it is putting pressure on the politicians to give police more resources. And although there has been a lot of concern that some forces have not had as much money this year as they should have to operate, they are far much better equipped than they were ten years ago. And we have got a very good budget settlement which will mean that we can employ another 100 or so officers on the latest budget and that is all part of the politicians taking the message from the public that they want money invested in law and order, so there is a spin off.”

Buckey Jones (press officer of the Metropolitan Police), believes that Crimewatch UK encourages people to join ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ schemes and support community-related projects, rather than having much impact on the detection of crime : “If there is a serial rapist going on the country, what you’re looking for is the victims and witnesses, you’ve got to be lucky in finding those people. What you can achieve is to alert people, make them prepared, the awareness of crime. So it has more effects on the awareness of crime and the prevention of crime than on the detection. I think it encourages people to join ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ schemes, support community-related project, definitely.”
Table 1 : Police perceptions of Crimewatch UK programme makers’ main aims


Help to solve crime

Community Function

















Mike Granatt of the Home Office Police Department disagrees : “I don’t think Crimewatch contributes to promoting “Neighbourhood Watch”, because they are different. ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ is about crime prevention, being a good neighbour whereas Crimewatch is about solving crime, reporting what people know about crime to the police or to the programme. They can be under one umbrella of crime but they are different.”

As to the programme makers’ reasons for producing Crimewatch UK programme, as Table 1 shows, all twenty-eight press officers and fourteen out of seventeen CID officers interviewed, thought it was to maximise the audience at minimal cost.

A press officer of a force in South of England gives an example illustrating the view that the main aim of the programme makers is to produce watchable programmes, attracting a large audience : “It comes back to the two very basics that our main concern is solving the crime and theirs, whether they admit it or not, is actually putting out a television programme that people will watch. And I would imagine their priority is making a good television programme before the policing. I took that call from the girl at Crimewatch. She said that she had heard about a sex attack on a boy in a toilet in...town centre and she said this was a serious case and asked if we needed any help with it. Well, what actually are her interests in saying that? I didn’t know of the case. What I will do is I will find out about it and contact the senior officer in charge of that case and ask him about it. Why did she select that? I think she probably selected it because it is good television... because it is a sex attack in a toilet in the town centre that can play on the public’s emotions - the kids should be able to go to the toilets without having to worry about that sort of thing; so it is topical, it preys on the public’s emotions via the television. I don’t know where she’d heard about it, but she’ll have been looking at that and other things as well and she’ll have thought, ‘Yes, that will make good news’. She’s not calling out of a sense of wanting to help us solve that crime. Helping to solve that crime would be a spin-off. It’s possibly, to some people, good television. Still it keeps coming back to the fact that we see the programme as being a very important and useful tool in solving crime and they see it as being good television. And it is a matter of getting together in the middle.”

A CID officer confirms the view : “They are not going to publicise things unless they think their audience will watch it and that is the primary thing to them. They are not really interested in solving crime, all they are interested in is the viewing figures. And unless it is something interesting they won’t use us, or won’t allow us to use them.”

Other CID officers, however, believed that the BBC make Crimewatch UK in order to help the police to solve crime. One officer said : “I would like to think that the main reason behind them is to help the police, so hitherto help solve crime, but making those crimes interesting and into sort of features that people will want to see and I think they largely succeed...Well, I think the figures show that what they are getting is very popular television - the figures are rising.”

Dai Davis (press officer of Dyfed-Powys Police) also suggests the programme is eager to solve crime because the success rate increases the programme’s credibility : “On Crimewatch, CID is interested in solving the case. So is the Crimewatch, because obviously Crimewatch can say they were instrumental in solving that. It is bonus point to them. Especially if it’s a big murder... They like that because it is good for their programme.”

Susie Scott, a researcher for the Crimewatch production team, insisted that all the BBC staff involved in the making of Crimewatch believe that they are contributing to the fight against crime and are very proud of it. A Detective Chief Superintendent suggested that the BBC try to show they are fulfilling a ‘community function’, while gratifying the public’s need to see details of police investigations of serious crimes.

Regarding the reasons why the audience watch Crimewatch, the majority of police press and CID officers interviewed - more than 89 per cent of Press officers and 76 per cent of CID officers - said that the audience, generally, watch the programme out of curiosity about and interest in crime and police work. In short, they seek entertainment and excitement. Mel Lacey is one of them : “It is amazing, the public’s need for entertainment and their inquisitive nature and all we’re doing is using that, aren’t we? The BBC use it and we are using it... I bet if you asked most of the public why watch that programme the majority of them would say it is good television, good to watch and therefore it must be good entertainment.”

Allen Peach and Carl Baldacchino, press officers of West Mercia Constabulary, share the view : “Crimewatch is very selective and has a balanced diet of crime, if you like. People don’t watch Crimewatch because they want to help solve the crime, they watch Crimewatch because they are interested in reconstructions of crimes that really happened.”

DC Jim Carroll suggests that the public are particularly interested in watching details of serious crimes previously published in the local or national press : “I think these audiences, most people in the population are interested in gory details about crime. Detective books, crime novels have always been fairly high in the selling lists. People always have an interest in crime, especially if it is a localised thing or something which has been publicised in the press previously and they want to know as much as they can possibly know about it. I think particularly if it is something which has happened in Edinburgh, I think if Crimewatch UK publicised a local crime on the programme next week the viewing figures for the Edinburgh area would be so much higher than they would normally. It is like, for instance, the Dunblane disaster when it happened, when it is something which is local the feeling is much more intense. The thing in Tasmania, Australia, last week was round the other side of the world. It is devastating for the people who live locally, but you know you are so far away when something happens in Scotland. So when you have something like Crimewatch UK doing a local thing then there will be more interest.”

Mark Pugash is concerned about the voyeuristic element of Crimewatch UK : “I don’t know whether you have seen any of the American crime programmes. They are very graphic, they are occasionally very violent. Crimewatch is much tamer version, but one of the things that concerns me is Crimewatch’s voyeuristic element. There are a lot of people, I am sure, who watch, who just watch because they want to see crime and criminal, they have no intention of phonning up with any information. So I feel fairly uncomfortable. I am much happier with the news programme doing a number of stories one of which happens to be crime. I am not certain that a lot of people watch Crimewatch for the right reasons. And that you see, where it is so violent and so graphic, purely people watch it because it’s entertainment. It doesn’t fulfil any socially useful role, it’s cops and robbers.”

However, some officers - three out of twenty-eight press officers and four out of seventeen CID officers - said they believe the good intentions of the public who watch Crimewatch UK. Sergeant David Winchester insisted it should not be seen as entertainment : “I think the public want to assist the police catching criminals and to get some information about crime. So, it’s information, education, public interest and it’s police advertising as well, really. It certainly shouldn’t be seen as entertainment, we don’t intend to be entertainment. That will be something we will be very wary of. If it’s coming out as an entertainment we probably wouldn’t want to be involved in it.”

Francesca Hanikova (press officer of Warwickshire Constabulary) gave a brief summary of what the different participants of Crimewatch UK programme want respectively; “The television company want viewers, they have a lot of time to fill, and people are interested in crime and what police do. So they want to make interesting programmes, we - the police - want to get information and impression across.”

Figure 3 : Different reasons and common goals of the police, programme makers, and the audience

As Figure 3 suggests, the BBC, the police and the audience have their own reasons to produce, participate in or watch Crimewatch UK, as far as the perception of the police is concerned. Although they have different reasons from each other, all of the three main participants in Crimewatch want it to be highly watchable and successful in detecting crime as indicated by the red part of the diagram. The police and the Crimewatch have a common aim, as the blue part of the diagram indicates, to attract as many people as possible and to show themselves as a team of specialists fighting crime, with the help of the audience. The police and the audience find an easier and more comfortable means to communicate with each other through national television and confidential free phone line. With Crimewatch UK, the BBC satisfies its institutional or organisational interest of winning the attention of a large audience by gratifying the public need to see details of serious crime as it happened.
The Special Relationship between the Police and Crimewatch UK

Certainly, both the police and the BBC gain a lot from the unique and regular working relations with each other in making Crimewatch. For example, as the most evident benefits, the BBC attracts an average of nine million viewers per programme, while the police clear up rate is nearly 30 per cent of the cases featured, as a direct result of the programme5. Tony Diggins describes the relationship as ‘mutual back-scratch’ : “Well, it is mutual, a back scratch - I’ll scratch your back and you scratch mine. We help each other. We are providing the material for Crimewatch UK to entertain 13 million people, or whatever it is. But on the other side they are providing the exposure that helps us solve crime, so there is a balance. “

David Winchester also admits that the police and Crimewatch UK maintain a good working relationship on the basis of mutual understanding : “They are aware of the restraints we work under. They do understand our objects are to catch people committed crime, which is not quite the same as making a good TV programme. And at the same time, we now appreciate that they’ve got to make something interesting, otherwise the people won’t watch it. So, I think they accept our opinion or our views quite well, quite high degree. I guess we do the same for them, really. We have a quite good working relationship.”

DI Keith Bray shares the view : “In fact, I mean, Crimewatch have become quite expert over the years in how to project appeals and so on, and they’ve also taken great care, if you like, to cultivate and to work with the police service. We hope that Crimewatch UK remains top of the ratings as long as possible, it will be helpful.”

From the police point of view, Crimewatch is special because, apart from the fact that it helps to solve crime, it is one of the least threatening of television programmes. Unlike other factual documentary programmes, such as BBC 2’s Rough Justice, scrutinising uneasy issues such as possibilities of miscarriages of justice and complaints against police brutality or malpractice, Crimewatch provides the police with a regular stage to show how hard they fight against criminals who attack innocent citizens, and how much they care about the victims of crime. Mary Todd (press officer of Greater Manchester Police) understands Crimewatch is a rare exception of the general tendency of BBC documentary programmes to deal with subjects in a confrotational way6 : “The policy of BBC in making programmes, especially news programmes is ‘confrontational’, that is the policy of the day, everything’s got confronted. There is never going to be a situation we just say ‘This must not be confronted because it’s balanced now’, because it’s policy now, of BBC. Crimewatch UK is different, they’ve got to keep police sources, otherwise they will dry off, won’t they? So we don’t have any problems at all with that.”

PC Mike Jackson also suggests that it is safe to work with Crimewatch UK, because the programme makers also try to show good image of the police : “Our role is protecting the image of the force. It’s a little easier with Crimewatch UK because you’re talking about offences and catching criminals. And we would probably as we could, have one of the people from here to be involved with...just making sure they didn’t say things they didn’t have to say, they won’t be inaccurate about...but again, it might be easier with Crimewatch UK. Generally speaking, with Crimewatch UK programme, the programme makers themselves have done so many and they are used to, they know what they can say and what they can’t say. At the end of the day, without us, they haven’t got the programme. So they generally like to keep us happy.”

Nick Ross, the main presenter of Crimewatch UK, asserts his programme tries to promote a positive image of the police : “...we are trying to humanise the image of the police through this programme. Crimewatch UK works well in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands but not in France because of culture...and bad image of the police.”

In response to Crimewatch’s supportive attitude towards the police, as Carol Saunders indicates, police forces offer special treatment to the programme : “As a perception, I would think that most forces give special treatment to Crimewatch UK because of the nature of the programme, because of the fact that it does very much help us and support us. And I think that we are in competition with each other to get our item featured on there, and it’s very successful and supportive than others... I think that the fact that Crimewatch is national programme with national profile, I think it’s quite highly rated, probably the best of its kind, and for that reasons, I think that every force is keen to have its case featured on that.”

Strain and Fractures in the Relationship

Ironically, the fact that most forces offer special treatment to Crimewatch UK and want to get their cases onto the programme, combined with the programme makers’ need to select the best cases to construct a highly watchable programme, causes occasional discomfort for some of the police forces. Some small rural forces, in particular, taste sour grapes from time to time :

“I think because Crimewatch UK is once a month, and now you’ve got so many different forces and all their own crimes. Unless you got very big crime, you’re not going to get featured. And people approach us, the specific documentary type of programmes. We maybe get more involved in them because they come to us, and want to use us, and want to show us an aspect of it. Crime appeal type of programmes... local media and local TV are efficient for getting appeals out. We don’t often have to go nation-wide for our appeals on crime, regional TV is enough.” - A press officer of a small force in South England

“You have to be selective about why you use the media in the inquiry. That’s not to be unfair to them, it should be fair with them. They need us as much as we need them. And I think that there is no point in phoning Crimewatch and encouraging them to take on your case. It’s really intrusive and obstructing. You may look out the local news and get their help. The newspapers are good medium. Particularly local newspapers generally form rapport between the officers and reporters of that newspaper. The local newspaper is probably the most truthful version that is printed because they know that they’ve got to come back and work with you next week and next month and next year. So they won’t abuse the situation, and trust builds up, you might tell them some confidential things under the condition that they won’t release it until certain time, and they will probably agree to that... There are 43 police forces in England and Wales. At any one time, probably half a dozen of them have got some real juicy, interesting jobs that Crimewatch will be interested in and they can pick up the best. We have a case currently, that was turned down by Crimewatch... the biggest post office robbery we’ve had, 5 million pounds. It was turned down by Crimewatch because they have different criteria. They need, for reconstruction, something terrible story, they need lots of points of appeal. So they need their television considerations in addition to, if you like, the pure police considerations.” - A Detective Inspector

“...that detective the other week... we were both on the phone all evening about this. And he phoned me up and said - this is when Crimewatch UK turned down our case just before the broadcasting – ‘They can’t do this to me...’” - A press officer of a force in Central England

“Because we are a rural force, the types of crimes Crimewatch likes to show, we don’t generally have many of them, we don’t generally have big armed robbery with dramatic footage from the TV cameras, we don’t have aggravated burglaries. They tend to like to feature the more severe crimes. I am not sure of the value of the programme. We may use Crimewatch once or twice in years, but we use our local media on a daily basis. We will not try to put our case on Crimewatch UK at the expense of our local media.” - A press officer of a rural force in North England

“We send items to Crimewatch UK every month, three of them were chosen last year in ‘photo call’ corner, but nothing in reconstruction. I think it’s because they are looking for certain criteria and our cases were not fitted in the criteria.” - A police officer in a rural force in South England

“I think in the long term I would like to see the programme developing a closer relationship with press offices, I’d like to see Crimewatch UK spend more time out in the regions than spending more than a fair share of there time, as I see it, in London and I would like to see them to continue to develop not just an interest in showing violent crime but also in helping us solve some of these crimes...and to continue to do it in a responsible manner.” - A press officer of a small force in North England

Big forces are less concerned about being turned down by Crimewatch and more concerned with presentation. Bob Cox of the Metropolitan Police said : “It’s not about they don’t want to talk about those cases but about how to present. One thing you’ve got to think about is the fear of crime. You can’t make things too frightening so that people are afraid of going out at night, but the programme makers want it really exciting to hold your attention. So you’ve got a battle there. But, at the end of the day, officers want to put out the case on the programme for the people to remember it, to jog their memory, and the programme makers want to make a good piece of television, so the basic is agreed, the grand rule’s agreed.”

During recent years, Crimewatch UK’s alleged request for exclusive information has aroused strong feelings among police press officers and local journalists. Press officers who have been dealing with Crimewatch since it started suggest that there used to be no such problem with the programme. One press officer argues it has much to do with the current producers’ tabloid-style approach : “Crimewatch tend to try and insist on exclusivity. Our last case that we got on there was a murder... we needed national publicity. And they said ‘OK we will run it for you, but you mustn’t tell your local media’. Now local media are our bread and butter and they couldn’t understand why. It just seems so unnecessary because I don’t think it matters a lot if Crimewatch haven’t got anything new. It gets millions of viewers, and I don’t think it would be lessened by... I don’t know what their problem is. The strange thing is that it never used to be a problem. When the programme first started every case they had on they used to try and get publicity for crime, for us. You know they were pushing it up at the press office, you know saying ‘Push this out to your local papers, we are going to push it nationally’, and you see in the national papers, ‘Crimewatch tonight are going to be covering such and such a case’. And then Crimewatch think ‘That’s great, we’ve got coverage’. So a lot...it could, might be down to the individual person in charge of the programme, because it is a different person now to what it was then, and that person then wanted the publicity for the programme, to get the numbers up. Now this person has different ideas - you know the newspapers, they want an exclusive, don’t they, because they think it sells more papers. The question of exclusivity has got to be resolved, and they have got to stop it. That is definitely the issue of the day, certainly after this week, and frankly we don’t understand it...often a different producer will say something completely different. And also because time has moved on and you get a different sort of journalist running the programme, and it is like the Sun newspaper would want something exclusive, because they think it will sell more newspapers. They are into effectively a commercial thing, it has got to be sold, and even though it is the BBC they still look at the audience figures - if the audience figures fall below a certain level they will kick it into touch.”

Undoubtedly, police press officers have a special relationship with the local media and fully utilise them as an essential public relations tool. At the same time, Crimewatch is the only national television programme helping the police to solve crime. When police press officers were told or it was implied by Crimewatch personnel that they should withhold certain information until after the broadcasting of the programme in order to secure a reconstruction, many of them expressed discomfort and even fury. On the other hand, CID officers are not so concerned about the matter. As Table 2 shows, nearly half of the CID officers interviewed were not even aware of such dispute between Crimewatch and local media while nearly 90 per cent of press officers were.

Table 2 : The awareness of the controversy over ‘exclusivity’ with Crimewatch UK

aware of

not aware of














Big forces such as the Met, Greater Manchester and West Midlands, however, have never experienced such demand from Crimewatch. Buckey Jones of the Metropolitan Police said : “I haven’t heard that but I can imagine ... they can say, ‘Look, you can get a slot if you give me some exclusive information’, because I used to work for television, I know the situation of bargain ... so I can imagine it might well be. But not to me ...”

When it comes to the attitude towards the alleged ‘demand for exclusivity’ by Crimewatch, the difference between press officers and CID officers becomes even bigger. As Figure 4 illustrates, when asked about their opinions about the matter, while more than 85 per cent of press officers interviewed said ‘morally wrong’ or ‘problematic’, just two CID officers said ‘not ethical’ and ‘it’s a dilemma’. More than half of CID officers said ‘understandable’ or even ‘worthwhile’ while only three press officers said ‘understandable’. Among press officers, civilian ex-journalists feel more strongly about it than those who are police officers. A female civilian press officer explains how she feels : “There is one bone of contention between police forces and Crimewatch. They often seek an exclusive angle nobody else’s got. And it has become a bone of contention which is being discussed by police press officers nation-wide... Crimewatch will say to a police force ‘If you guarantee an angle that you don’t give out to anybody else, then you get the slot’ which puts press officers in a very difficult position because the local press support us week in and week out... can we afford or should we, morally should we be saying ‘We are not going to tell our local press about this particular sighting, only to Crimewatch.’ And it has been an issue of some controversy over last couple of years.“

Figure 4 : Opinion of the police press and CID officers about the controversy over the ‘demand for exclusivity’ by Crimewatch UK

A male civilian press officer of a force in South East of England said he would choose to maintain good relations with the local media, rather than to give exclusive information to Crimewatch UK : “The difficulty also is, Crimewatch governs some trouble recently because they would tell forces ‘If you want your case to be on, you have to give us information exclusively.’ And that cause us problem because we may be with Crimewatch once or twice a year but we’ll be with our local media every day of the year. And so if we give something to Crimewatch and don’t give it to the local media, it causes trouble with the local media. And if I have to choose between offending Crimewatch and offending local media, I will offend Crimewatch. Because we get far more from our local media than we ever get from Crimewatch.”

However, a male civilian press officer of a force in Midlands said Crimewatch UK, the millions of viewers nation-wide, is too seductive to resist : “We have control over what we give them to an extent, but at the end of the day, it is run by them. So there are problems. They have a different view point, they have a different stand... The other problem is that there are sometimes conflict between Crimewatch and our own local media. And we have to bear in mind, day in and day out we are relying upon our own local media in our own force area to get assist in detecting day to day crime. And there is always a danger that Crimewatch’s demand for an exclusive, new angle could damage your relationship with your own media, and that is one problem that we always say to Crimewatch. They insist that is not the case as far as they are concerned. They will deny that it’s conditional...but I have to say that, from my experience, police press officers, 9 times out of 10, if you are going to them when you need their facilities, they will quite often say ‘OK we will use your information but you won’t give it to other media until the programme starts or after the programme.’ We are in the middle because we appreciate what our local media has provided with and we appreciate what Crimewatch provide. Crimewatch is very seductive, 11 million viewers, the national audience will be drawn in that evening, will be drawn into that seductive programme...”

Another male civilian press officer, who had given Crimewatch exclusive information, tried to find a way out by giving the same information to the local media to publish on the day of Crimewatch UK broadcasting : “There are current problems, there is a controversy between Crimewatch UK and the rest of the media about exclusiveness. Crimewatch UK want, it is alleged, Crimewatch will not accept reconstructions unless they are given something new that nobody else has had. Because they are such a popular and successful programme, that has led to a great deal of bad feeling among other part of the media. The accusation is from time to time levelled at the police that important information which can solve the crime is being delayed, held back in order to give Crimewatch. It is a dilemma... We have given Crimewatch UK a new piece of information that hasn’t become public beforehand, and I will, because of the value of our relationships with our local media, we will seek to make that information available to the local media on the day the Crimewatch goes out.”

The controversy over ‘demand for exclusivity’ became so hotly disputed that Liz Mills, the then producer, and currently executive producer of Crimewatch, had to deliver a special speech7 at the National Conference of Police Press Officers 1995 stressing the unique companionship between Crimewatch and the police as well as criticising local journalists : “I want to take this opportunity today to talk about a number of issues which have arisen over the past years and months... I have spent a large amount of time...renewing as many contacts as possible... Remember we are s valuable resource and could save many hours of police time. One criticism I have had is that police officers say that they don’t know how to get hold of us... We have worked together as a team for 11 years, and have been a very successful team... However the right kind of cases...these must whenever possible concentrate on clues, points of appeal or whatever else you might describe those events which help jog someone’s memory. Sometimes there are problems and that is inevitable, particularly when our relationship with the police is so strong. In particular local journalists taste sour grapes, and I think this is what has been the root of the problem... If we didn’t have a huge audience then we wouldn’t be of help to you so it is important to maintain the 11 million who tune in. On all appeals we broadcast the police have a huge input - of course, because it is in the BBC Charter, we retain editorial control - but ultimately it is your platform, your chance to put over the salient points. We can have a greater impact than local newspapers and it is no wonder that local journalists are bitter... Of course I was unhappy about the recent discourse... However I think there is a lesson to be learnt from all this. We on Crimewatch need to liaise with you the press officers, and you with us. If, as in the case of Stephanie Slater for example, where the senior officers decided they wanted Crimewatch to reveal the voice. Then there is obviously going to people questioning the reasons behind such a decision... If press statements are going to be made then I think it would be beneficial from both ends to have sight of copy... This is something we didn’t do with Lincolnshire8... I asked detectives not to release details locally because I knew it would have more impact, and a stronger response if it went national first...”

A female civilian press officer disputes the claim made by Liz Mills that exclusive information shown on the national programme will have more impact : “That’s the rationale behind their thinking that I disagree with. I think it’s an excuse bearing in mind that the person we now have charged of that murder lived in the same village, so we didn’t really need nation-wide publicity. It’s a local murder. I just disagree with their lines, and most police press officers would agree with me. We like to work with our locals. We can understand that Crimewatch UK want to attract big national audience but we are not attracted in that. People in Manchester are unlikely to know what happened in a village in Midlands.”

Unlike civilian ex-journalists, police officers working as press officers generally try to understand the different needs of television programme makers and different circumstances they work under even though they do not like to give exclusive information to Crimewatch. An Inspector who works as a press officer in a force in South East England is one of them : “Crimewatch programme, they don’t like local press go with it first. They don’t want to be going out at the same time with local programme in which it is shown. They get very difficult over exclusivity, really. They demand that. When they asked me for that, I was frustrated by that but I do understand and sympathise them. They are making programmes where they have a lot of power, they have national coverage, at least several million viewers...because of that, they deserve to have some exclusivity. We normally play along with it because it’s a very good medium but I don’t like to be dictated by them. We are public service. We use other media as well.”

Dan Hewitt is the only civilian press officer who said it is understandable for a journalist to seek an exclusive information : “I was a journalist for 30 years and all journalists are out to get a different story from everybody else, and a better story. And I think they are doing exactly what you would expect them to do, I think they are trying to get the best story for their viewers. And if they are only going to use stuff that everybody is already aware of then it is going to lose its appeal. And I think they are quite right to try to persuade us to give them exclusive story lines. Our interest is, not as a journalist, but as working for the police force, our interest is to make the best use of every option available to us at the appropriate time. And if it is Crimewatch with an exclusive line then we will go that way, but if it is with the local papers and regional television then we will go to them. We have got the opportunity not to give them exclusive information, but I don’t blame them at all for trying to get the best stories they can get. I think it’s that that makes the programme interesting and it attracts the audience and it is the audience that we are all interested in trying to communicate with.”

Majority of CID officers think Crimewatch deserves to have exclusive information or it is up to the Senior Investigating Officers’ judgement. Detective Chief Superintendent John McCammont of West Mercia Constabulary suggested that it should be judged on a case by case basis : “I think too rigid approach to this matter is a mistake. I think one thing you learn as a senior investigating officer is that every case is different, you learn lessons from every case. That sounds a bit... but I don’t think you can afford to say other than that. I think there are dangers of course in holding back evidence, or appeal or information, and you’ve got to do it consciously. There is a public safety issue ... if you hold back information which could lead to the earlier arrest of an offender, and that offender would then go to re-offend, commit a serious crime, then I think the police lead themselves to a fair degree of criticism. But otherwise, it’s up to the senior investigator.”

Referring to the much controversial Michael Sams case, Detective Superintendent David Hunter of Humberside Police insisted that it was right to withhold the recorded voice of the kidnapper for the exclusive coverage in the Crimewatch UK : “It was successful, he (Michael Sams) is in jail now...other media was jealous. Crimewatch is the only national media to give that sort of exclusive time for police...local media were upset because they were helping the police day to day basis, but it needed a national appeal. Stephanie Slater was found in Birmingham area and, therefore, it was no good giving it just to local radio or television stations... And the decision was made to give more impact..., of course it worked. It did set up jealousy and tension with local press, media... but they need us more than we need them. Pick up any local newspaper and see how much police and crime related stories are in it. They didn’t release the voice to the national television news or radio either, before Crimewatch UK. And I think it was right because they knew that they were going to get loads and loads of calls, what they wanted to know was...the linking of several different pieces to one person, the voice, place, etc....and prioritise the calls according to the information the caller know. That’s the merit of Crimewatch UK, the linking of different pieces to one person.”

Superintendent David Hatcher, one of the co-presenters of Crimewatch, claims that the exclusive information increases newsworthiness of cases run by Crimewatch and that whether to give exclusivity is up to the individual force not the programme : “There is no rule on Crimewatch saying ‘Crimewatch only run cases not been done elsewhere’, clearly, it’s not true. There is though a tactic that says ‘Crimewatch is not there to read what the news has just carried.’ If you can’t add something to the argument, or, if you can’t improve, you know, the perception of the audience etc., and add extra value to the communication, then perhaps we will be better off pursuing something hasn’t been in it. By same token, Crimewatch has never said to anybody ‘You must keep this for Crimewatch otherwise you won’t carry a case.’ What I do say, I think, is ‘Look, if you got anything on this case that you are going to reserve for this programme, you may get a better chance.’ There was a kidnap case where the kidnapper’s voice was reserved for Crimewatch. An irony there was, Crimewatch was given that exclusively by the force concerned. It was their decision, they weren’t pressured into anything. They chose to withhold it because they took the view that ‘If Crimewatch carries it further, that has such a big impact on the people in the country who know something, who want to help the police. We will be better off marketing it through that medium first.’ Now the irony was that because BBC news goes out at nine O’clock followed by Crimewatch, followed by ITV news, BBC news didn’t get it, Crimewatch ran it, and of course ITV news recording Crimewatch put it out on ITV news. That’s how everybody carried out anyway, next day BBC news...and so on. But that was the choice the police force made. And it’s not the BBC’s policy to say that ‘You’ve got to keep it for us.’ But you will be a fool, I think, it will be blatantly untrue to say that there isn’t an exclusivity factor would give you a better chance to gain your case in.”

Asked about the controversy over Crimewatch’s ‘demand for exclusivity’, Seetha Kumar, the Series Producer of Crimewatch, said only some civilian police press officers make fuss out of it, while CID officers express no problem with the programme; “...there are some people in the press office - definitely not police officers - who don’t like to be seen too close to our programme. They try to provide the local media with important information...and local media are jealous when we have exclusive information.”

Some press officers suggest that Crimewatch try to deal directly with CID officers because of the press officers’ reluctance to accept the ‘request of exclusivity’. That, again, causes concern among police press officers from time to time. A press officer of a force in South East England said : “You have perhaps detected resistance among PROs to Crimewatch UK. That’s to do with the controversy that I mentioned. I am more in favour of Crimewatch UK than some of my colleagues. This is a little bit detail but Crimewatch doesn’t tend to deal with police press officers. It likes to deal directly with officers in the case, which also causes some professional resentment at times among press officers, there is no doubt. I attend the national conference once a year, and one of the regular items is that the editor of Crimewatch UK comes down and tries to butter up the press officers.”

Other causes of strain on the police relations with Crimewatch UK, according to the perception of the police press and CID officers interviewed, are the accusation that the programme contributes to the problem of fear of crime, the heavy workload caused by huge number of unnecessary calls to the police from viewers, the possibility of compromising the chance of conviction by exposing too much evidence in the programme, the danger of educating criminals how to commit crime more successfully, and causing further distress to the victims and those who have had similar experience in the past.


The BBC’s Crimewatch UK has established itself as a part of criminal justice system by obtaining the approval and support of ACPO and all the police forces in the UK. It is the only national television programme offering the police the chance to appeal for witnesses of major unsolved crimes, to show how hard they are trying to solve crimes, and how much the police care about the victims of crime and the community concerned about crime. In return, the BBC secures a highly entertaining monthly factual crime programme, highly successful in attracting huge audience, which never runs out of resources. In addition, with the claim of success in identifying wanted suspects, the programme claims to be contributing to the tackling of the social problem of crime.

Even though the relationship is mutually beneficial, it is also accompanied by occasional clashes of interests. Some officers in small rural force whose cases are rarely selected for Crimewatch have become critical of the programme. This is especially so when Crimewatch drops their cases for ‘better’ ones in the later stage of the process of making the programme. More fundamental and widespread concern is found in the relationship between Crimewatch UK and police press officers, especially civilian press officers with journalistic backgrounds. While the local media - especially local newspapers - are the best and day-to-day partners for the police press officers, Crimewatch wants police forces not to disclose certain information or piece of evidence to other media, including the local papers, in order to maximise the newsworthiness of the cases featuring in the programme. Some press officers even feel played against each other by Crimewatch in that if one force does not provide the programme with some exclusive piece of evidence, they will be told that another force offering such information will have a better chance to secure a reconstruction. In some high profile cases, the police were even accused of withholding crucial information from the media for considerable amount of time simply to give it to Crimewatch UK. Some police officers replied to the accusation by revealing Crimewatch UK’s ‘request for exclusivity’ to the press.

Despite the occasional concern and uneasiness, the majority of police press officers and most CID officers want to keep close relations with Crimewatch UK because the programme provides considerably more benefits than disadvantages.

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